Draco Malfoy's introduction

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Hi my name is Malfoy, Draco Malfoy. My family has a belief in the superiority of "pureblood" wizards, like me, I'm a pure blood.

My father is a tough love type of person, he never really shows any love towards me and always acts like he hates me. I spent my life living trying to impress my dad and make him proud, and living the way he wants. I have given up with that, it never works, I always manage to dissapoint him, my Father always finds a way to be annoyed or angry with me, so I gave up trying.

My mother on the other hand, she is more loving than my father, I know neither of them really showed it, but my mother is very protective and more loving towards me. And that's exactly what Draco needed, was a little bit of love.

I am now on Year 4, I'm 14, and I need a change I can't follow my father everywhere, I know I still legally have to as I am still underage, at least I don't need to slick back my hair anymore, and as soon as I'm legal, I'm out of here! For now I can try and enjoy myself this year. Hogwarts is hosting the Triwizard tournament, and guess who is a part of it... Harry Potter, this shall be fun!

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