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kind of a bit all over the place but im frustrated because my phone updated and now the formatting of this chapter is freaking out a bunch so yeah

June was having a hard time wanting to go to sleep. The three of them were staying the night at Malcom's house, and both Malcom and Tom had fallen asleep already.

June was sitting in Malcom's chair, spinning back and forth. He could hear Maria in the kitchen downstairs. He wasn't sure why she was in the kitchen at 11PM, but he wasn't complaining as he walked downstairs on his tiptoes to keep quiet.

"Hey, honey," Maria greeted with a smile. "How've you been?"

June shrugged in response, smiling nervously. "Tired, to be honest. It's been really nice to see Tommy, though."

Maria nodded, sipping her drink. "Would you like some tea?"

"Oh, yes please." Maria handed June a mug she filled with tea for him, giving him an affectionate stare.

"Is there anything you wanna talk about, that you feel like you can't tell anyone?" Maria asked softly, analyzing June's expression.

June looked up at her, unsure if he would be safe to come out to her. "I don't know.."

"I'm a little more perceptive than you take me for, darling," Maria reminded him gently. "And I know I don't have the same views as your mother. My home is a safe space. Especially for you and my son, as well as Tommy."

June looked up at her, feeling like he might cry. He didn't really have any maternal figure that he felt safe around. He found it hard to make that sort of relationship with anyone when his real mom was so present in his life, despite how he felt about her. He wasn't sure why, but it felt like he was betraying her.

He didn't have that issue with his dad, since he was so distant, but he knew his mother more than she'd ever know him.

Maria was gently taking his mug from him before he realized she'd moved, pulling him into a motherly hug. He didn't know the last time his own mom had hugged him.

June melted into the embrace, wiping his eyes on his hoodie sleeve.


Tommy thought it would be better if he just had either Ranboo or Dream drive him to the airport - or even take and Uber if neither of them wanted to - but June was very insistant on driving him.

"I'm going to miss you so much," June whispered to him, squeezing his hand on the center console.

"I'm gonna miss you too," Tommy told him. "But I'll call you as soon as I'm home, if that's okay."

"Yeah, of course. I'll make sure I'm where I can answer. How long is your flight again?"

"Nine hours, I think," Tommy replied.

June nodded. "Right. Yeah." He pulled into a parking space, lip trembling.

Tommy unbuckled his seat belt. "This is always so hard," he whispered, looking June in the eyes.

June unbuckled as well, wrapping his arms around Tommy in a hug. "I love you," he mumbled into his ear.

Tommy hugged him back, running his fingers through June's hair. "Love you too."

They reluctantly pulled away, and Tommy pressed a kiss to June's forehead.

"I really don't want you to go," June admitted, voice breaking.

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