Chapter 1 - OCTOBER || Part 1

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The wind blew through the barren trees, the only petals left from the previous season struggling to stay on their branches. The ground was no longer grass, but rather a medley of yellow, orange, and red leaves that fell from the looming forest above. The soft yet violent breeze was cold with a familiar change, yet it usually didn't come this early. He knew this was all but good.

Wilbur walked back to the village, navigating through the masses of bark and stumps that were all too familiar to him. After all, this had been his home for his whole life. While on his way, the wind picked up and he adjusted his coat and hat to conserve heat. Leaves from the ground flew up into the air and created a swirl that could be described as a tornado of fall colours. The leaves wisped past Wilbur with the effortless force of the breeze. He watched them pass, admiring the beauty of the changing seasons while also knowing the winter would not be kind to him and his people. He continued to walk.

Eventually, he got to the town he called home. There were 8 buildings made of sticks, stones and mud, all designed to withstand the four seasons. 7 of the buildings were the houses of the 7 people that occupied this area, but the last building was the Community House, a place where they held meetings, discussed local issues, and planned their strategies for war (They were all generally peaceful people, but when threatened they were some of the best fighters in the land). Wilbur was making his way to the last, which was the biggest of the 8 and located right in the middle of the town. A voice stopped him before he could step through the door.

"Wilbur!" A young boy about 17 years old with golden hair ran towards him with a smile on his face.

"Tommy, right on time!" Wilbur said as Tommy slowed his pace and stopped in front of him. "I was just about to call a meeting. Round everyone up for me and tell them to meet here." Tommy's smile was replaced with a more serious tone.

"Is it about winter?" He asked. "We still have quite a while until snow comes. At least 8 weeks if I've been counting right."

"You've been counting right," Wilbur said. "But the leaves have fallen much quicker than normal and the air is getting colder every day, much more than it should." Wilbur sighed, thinking about his next words. "Just get everybody to come as soon as possible, alright?"

"Yeah yeah, I'll get everyone here in less than 5 minutes," Tommy said dismissively.

"Thank you," Wilbur stepped inside the Community House as he heard Tommy's footsteps run through the village.

There wasn't a single soul Wilbur knew that was more stubborn and determined than Tommy. Sure, these traits often lead Tommy to most, if not all of his problems, but they were also his greatest strengths. When something needed to be done, Tommy was always the first one on the case, despite being the youngest out of everyone. Wilbur admired that about him. He wished he was like that when he was Tommy's age.

Wilbur looked around the Community House, taking in everything about it; the nostalgic smell of the wood and charcoal, the mural painting that went all the way around the four walls, the chilled air inside, the-

Wilbur suddenly realized how cold it was inside. He looked at the fire pit in the center of it all with frustration. It would have to be lit sooner this year, maybe even tonight. Of all the seasons, winter was the one Wilbur hated the most because of how impossible living conditions were, let alone the sheer vulnerability and complete inability to fight. Being the leader of these people, he had to reassure everyone that everything was going to be ok, but in reality, he was always on edge during the snowy months.

Wilbur looked up from the fire pit to the door, where the first resident silently stood in the frame.

"Will," The resident stepped through the door, struggling to get his giant wings through the average-sized frame. "Tommy knocked on my door saying you were calling a meeting. If this is another prank of his, it'll be the third time this month." Wilbur chuckled.

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