Part 6

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He invited me back to his house, all the boys where there, they hugged me and my friend. We introduced each other and talked for hours, till the sun went down and the moon came up. Liam approached me.

“So hows your beautiful mother? She must be jealous” He winked 

I broke down crying, I couldn’t hold it in. I sat there and cried

“oh im so sorry” Liam didn’t know what to do

“Delilah whats wrong, Liam what did you do” harry was beside me now. He had a protective tone in his voice “I wasn’t completely honest to you Harry, my mum isn’t at a spa” he looked at me funny. Anna ran over to me, and I was surrounded by all the boys. Anna sat next to me and hugged me. She whispered in my ear

“its ok tell them”

“Um…its been a ruff month for me, actually today was the first time in a while since id been out. About a month ago my…mum…was in a car accident” I started to breath heavy and tears fell down my eyes

“the hospital called me and told me that she…she didn’t make it. I had to go see if it was her, I need her. I never said goodbye, ill never get to see her face when I wake up. Shes not going to see me grow up and get married. She cant look after my children and watch them grow old, watch me grow old .Iv lost everyone iv loved. two years ago my best friend died and last year my dad left us, now my mum” I sat there frozen looking into nothing, wondering what im going to do.

“Im so sorry” Liam said In a quiet voice

It was 1:00am and the boys had dosed off to sleep, Harry had offered me his bed, but I politly declined. He fell asleep on the floor, leaving his bed free. Anna had disappeared and I was all alone, awake. I walked over to Harrys bed room and jumped in the bed, Ahhhh. It was so soft. Like a cloud. I grabbed the blankets and wrapped them around myself. Feeling the warmth consume me. It was freezing and I was shivering. I took my jeans off because they were uncomfortable to sleep in, This left me in my undies and a baggy jumper. I ,laid under the blankets stairing at the roof.

“You took my offer”, a deep voice said. Taking my attention away from the roof.

“I did, I didn’t want to leave a perfectly comfortable bed empty” I smiled

we both shared another smile. He look around the room and stop and stared at a spot on the floor. I stared at it confused.

“right, there my jeans. I took them off because there were uncomfortable to sleep in” I could feel my cheeks burning

“No that fine, I normaly don’t sleep with clothes” my eyes widened, what was wrong with me. I knew he didn’t most people did. But hearing it come from him was strange. 

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