Part 8

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I woke up to the smell of fresh coffee and bacon. My hand rubbed over the spot where harry slept, but to my surprise he was gone. My eye flicked open in confusion and i stared at the spot where he previously laid. i rolled over to find him sitting on a chair next to me

"Morning…um your peaceful when you sleep" He added with a smile

"Morning, what time is it?" I jerked my self up "its 9:00am, I let you sleep. Your so enchanting, did you know that" he placed a tray on my lap 

The tray had, coffee and a plate of toast, bacon, eggs and sauce. Mmmm my favourite

"Thank you"

Harry got up and left my side. He wondered out of the door, his tall frame almost skimming the roof. i sat there digging into my breakfast. After finishing I placed it aside and instantly remembered Bec. Where was she?. The bed held the indent of my body as I slipped off the covers and walked to the door. The sun shone through the open curtains on the far side of the lounge room, i had to squint my eyes so they could adjust to the sunned brightness. Bec was sprawled out on the couch next to Niall. Who was eat 2 sandwiches. "Morning sunshine" Liam said as he walked past me and into the kitchen

The boys were all scattered around the room, eating. Harry sat down with me and we talked. Talked for a while until he asked this "Delilah, will you go out with?" I sat there stunned, Things were moving so fast and I was unsure. I took a while to go over his question. We were alone in the room and i could feel his eyes penetrating through me. What was i going to say. "I know we have only just met, but it feels like forever. I love you. Do you love me?

"Yes i do love you, but i don't know" I said, i continued contemplating. This is what i always wanted. Why am i hesitating. I have made up mind "Harry, I will…be you girlfriend" I exhaled, I hadn't realised i was holding my breath

The other boys ran back in the room and hugged me and Harry. They must have been waiting for the right moment.   

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