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The morning came much too quickly for anybody's liking and most of everyone was asleep when the sound of a cat getting raped filtered through the corridors.


"FUCK OFF!" yelled England

Canada screeched a screech that would be blasphemous to even the ears of a demon.

"The fuck child?" He said, disgruntled, yet concerned for the usually soft-spoken Canadian

"SCOTLAND DON'T FUCKING DO THAT!" Canada yelled, after screeching




England groaned and somehow went back to sleep, but then again he was the type of person who looked like they were dead when asleep so it was understandable.

Wales dragged himself out of bed and Scotland, satisfied stopped playing the bagpipes but he had still woken Canada up, who seemed to be the lightest sleeper in the family. When Wales looked through the cupboards and the fridge the most edible thing he found was half a block of cheese that looked like someone small had gnawed on it, milk, half a loaf of bread and marmite.

That may have been enough to just about sustain one person, especially if that person mainly survived on tea and spite, but certainly not enough for 12 people.

Canada looked slightly ashamed as he knew where a sack of potatoes had disappeared but didn't say anything.

About 5 later a very dishevelled Englishman came downstairs and almost immediately put the kettle on and made 4 cups of tea, knowing that his brothers and he needed tea to wake up and Matthew probably would as well.

After they had been sufficiently caffeinated Wales broke the sleepy silence that was hanging over them and snapping Canada out of his sleepy daze and said "England you have literally no food at home, like at all."

"It's not my fault that none of them nor any of you told me you were coming," the words lacked bite and were very much mumbled.

"You really need to go to get groceries soon because once everyone wakes up there won't be enough to eat."

"Oh come on it isn't that bad! I know that we have a whole sack of potatoes somewhere and that we have cheese and bread."

"Half a block of cheese, half a loaf of bread and no potatoes, we checked, didn't we Scotland."

The Scotsman had fallen asleep and jolted up saying "I'm awake I'm awake!"

Canada looked at him, and him being much too tired to be nice, venomously hissed, "You were the one who woke us up with your fucking loud ass bagpipes because you were hungry and now you have the gall to fall asleep. ABSOLUTELY HEATHOENOUS!"

They had completely forgotten North was there.

Obviously, this woke him who was still sleeping on the sofa because he wanted to save the embarrassment of sleeping with his brother.

He was also more interested because for once the people yelling weren't his brothers and instead, it was his quiet......uuuuuuh nephew I suppose?

"Wha- happened!?"

Ah yes, articulation.

Matthew cursed once more and said "Sorry Séamus, your older brother her just woke us up with his dreadful bagpipes because he wanted food and now he goes back to sleep,"

North hummed in agreement and went to make himself a cup of tea and went grab himself something from the fridge to eat, then he promptly remembered that there was nothing to eat so he took the leftover cheese and bit into it because damnit he was hungry.

Wales then spoke up "Arthur isn't there a Tescos nearby that should open soon."

"Oh yea, it opens at 7.15, we should probably get some groceries from there soon," England mumbled.

All of the currently awake nations decided to raid the nearby Tescos, Scotland had fallen asleep again so he didn't come, because they needed a rather large amount of food after all 12 people were quite a lot, plus Australia, Scotland, Canada and America and on occasion, India, ate enough for 2 to 4 people.

It was decently cold and frosty outside and Matthew was skating on the frost because he is an ice gremlin, Seamus followed, rather less agile but he still tried, nearly falling multiple times but not while Arthur and Dylan nearly died of laughter multiple times.

Once they got into the Tesco and their faces had unfrozen they obtained their food, they also brought a packet of rice because Hong Kong and India and went over to the till.

Canada and North had snuck in a bottle of Toxic Waste (it's a sweet, but very sour and can burn a hole in your tongue, they were banned for a while because kids kept one or more in their mouth during assembly and it could burn your tongue) thinking the other two wouldn't notice, they both did but didn't say anything until they got out of the shop and Arthur threw the barrel at them.

"Be careful, you can burn a hole in your tongue with those Matthew."

"Hey what about me!" North said, insulted that he hadn't thought to warn him.

"Seamus you've already burnt a hole in your tongue with that more than once before and the warning still stands though I doubt you'll listen to it.

Once they got home they found a heavily clothed and very sleepy Australian snooping around the house looking for food with a similarly tired Kiwi.

"What are you guys doing awake, it's like 8 in the morning?" Wales said "And you clearly look like you need some sleep"

New Zealand sleepily mumbled, "Well I was asleep then this dumbass woke me up because he was hungry and Scotland is still asleep on the table by the way."

Matthew then piped up "I'll make pancakes after all none of you can cook, at all and all of you are hungry right?"

A/n Basically this is fluff and crack but its very British fluff and crack.

Also is sealand technically Wy's great uncle?

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