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It's been 3 days since Fred showed Harry his surprise and many things happened since that day.
Like Cho rejected him,which he foreseen. Hermione and Ron fought. Again.
Harry is slowly getting used to the old Hogwarts-old Harry life.

Hermione asked Harry to be her dance partner (which he hadn't foreseen) but thank her for that because now he don't have to worry about a partner.
Ron still need to find a dance partner while George had Angelina, Fred had Bethra,his classmate from Hufflepuff.

Now everyone is gathered around the Great hall for breakfast.
"So when do u plan to get a partner because I think u forgot that Yule is tomorrow" Fred said as he looked at Ron
"I will ask Lavender to be my partner this evening" which received a huff from Hermione
'They should better make up...anyways they will end together' harry said remembering Hermione and Ron's wedding.
It was a very wonderful day..his 2 best friends marrying each other and starting a family made him feel proud and emotional. After all,for what they all went through everyone deserved a happy ending. Soon Rose came and he was near on his tears. He broke into tears when he knew they made him her godfather.

"Harry we asked u" George shouted into Harry's ears.
"What?" Harry asked not getting the question as he was deep in thoughts.
"Asked won't u come to Burrow for Christmas?"
"Yeah I will.." harry said.
"Mail's here" Ron shouted interrupting the conversation.
"What is it" harry asked as Ron got his package
'Haa! It is his traditional Yule dress' Harry spoke in his mind.

He looked at the twins to see them having a letter.
Hermione too had a letter and a gift from her parents.
"Here comes the Black owl,harry" Hermione said as she pointed at the Owl that dropped something into his lap.
It was a letter...from Sirius.
Harry remember Sirius was here this year. He was supposed to break out of Azkaban next year but now everything is messed up...but this time it was for good.He got to see his godfather earlier and could spend so much more time with him which he always regretted not getting to do

Harry James potter,
Hello Harry. How are you doing? How is your studies going ?
We miss you so much and can't wait to see you this Christmas. Heard about the yule and is very happy for you.

Lupin too says he misses u and conveyed his greetings. Actually he and I are having a bet for who u will be taking to Yule.
He says it's Cho while I says it will not be Cho. Do write to us so I can get my money.
We all love you so much and hope u enjoy the Ball.
Wishing u a early Happy Christmas.

With lots and lots of love,
Sirius black and Remus Lupin.

Harry smiled and felt his cheeks getting wet,he was crying rivers. He couldn't hold back. Sirius was back.
His family was back. Everyone who he thought had lost was back.

Luckily everyone was busy opening and reading their gifts that they didn't notice Harry's tears.
Ron was fighting with Ginny about the dress saying it was for her not for him.
When he looked at Fred the boy was looking at him too.
He shot a concern look at harry.
Harry wiped his tears and smiled back at Fred.

Harry still is a mess at dancing. He stepped on Mione's feet several times.
"U go and take rest. We will continue later" Hermione said.
They been practising for hours now and Harry still couldn't get it correct.
"Yeah..what about Ron? He can't dance too. Try to teach him Mione" harry said as smirking, obviously trying to set them up together.
"Eh..if it's okay with Mione" Ron said as he don't want to act like a fool in the Ball with Lavender.
"..su..sure" Mione said as Ron stood and went to dance with her.
Harry could see a tint of red on her cheeks. Harry chuckled a bit.

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