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In a beautiful elegant yet dark mansion ok correction it was a mansion (mansion on top just imagine bigger then it is) that looked like a castle, was a man shown drinking a glass of whiskey he had no emotions on his face it was almost like he was a walking dead,but yet he looked calm but everyone knew that inside him,he was fighting unwanted battles
Man's pov
The world is a very strange place,it hurts and and leaves you broken,it's weird isn't it but anyways these are the only hours I get peace,I can't sleep so I basically stay awake hole night yes I have insomnia but what ever no one cares,but wait I did not introduce myself I am veeranshu singhania the man that can make your knees weak,l am the mafia king a am originally from italy but I grew up in Russia because I was kidnapped by my own father and I was abuse mentally, sexually and physically I just covered all my scars with tattoos,that some have meaning to,and no I am not going to tell you the meaning that is private,but anyways I have a younger sister named bela she is my life I love her alot,but I can't show her it because I don't show emotions if I have not said that yet oh well now you know
Man's pov end
His thoughts were broken by a call
Person:sir someone took our stocks
Veer:how much
Person:5 million
Veer:did you catch the person
Person:yes sir
Veer: take him to the wearhouse I am on my way
He hanged up
Veer:great so much for some peaceful time
He sighed and got dressed

At the wearhouse (please correct me if I spelled this wrong)
Veer entered whistling and everyone went quiet hearing this
Veer:well well well,what do we have here
Person:please,please spare me I didn't do anything wrong
Veer:really then who stole my stocks
Person:please forgive me
Veer:who send you
Person:the Scottish mafia sir,he said that I have to take some of your stocks and put it in ours
Veer:ok thank you for your time
He slid the person's neck without hesitation and said
Veer:clean up this mess please
He went out and sighed when he heard
"So feel reliefed now"
Veer:Mahir,I am going to be honest with you,no
Mahir:I figured
Suddenly mahirs phone started ringing
Mahir:oh no
Veer:what oh no
Mahir:my sister oh no
Veer:you fear your sister
Mahir:when she is mad yes and she is mad now
Veer:how do you know
Mahir:she called me ten times
Veer:then what you waiting for pick it up
Mahir:hello angel.....I am sorry (he took the phone away from his ear and all you could hear was faint shouting) ok I will make it up to you...ok love you bye
Veer:well that was entertaining
Mahir:not the time
Veer:ok time to go home before bela gets worried
Mahir:no she won't be worried
Veer:about you no about me yes so good night
He went to his car and drove home

At singhania mansion
Veer entered and saw bela pacing once she saw him she said
Bela:here you are you know how worried I was
Veer:sorry I had something to take care of
Bela:you are over working yourself veer
Veer:I know what you are going to say,I have to see a therapist,but I have already seen alot of them and either they wanted to get in my pants or they give up
Bela:I know therapist that can help you and trust me she is not one to want to get in to a man's pants it is actually the other way around with her,so can I call her
Veer:do I have a choice
Veer:ok fine call her
Bela started jumping around spinning
Bela:yes,yes,yes ok you will not be disappointed
Veer:I will decide that
Bela: whatever
She ran upstairs and went to her room
Veer sighed probably for the 15th time today and went back to his room
Veers pov
Who the fuck it this therapist?and why the fuck is bela so happy,I will have to find out who this therapist is,I wonder if she is the same like the others
Veers pov end
He leaned back on his chair and rested his eyes,when he heard screaming from outside
He stood up and went to belas room
In belas room
Bela:this fucking ass just entered my room and grabbed my phone,while I was talking to your therapist
Mahir:I wanted to tell you something then you started shouting at me
Veer:ok both of you just shut up you are hurting my ears
Veer:bela what did the therapist say
Bela:you can start taking sessions in two days
Veer:ok Mahir you will take me to my sessions
Mahir nodded
Mahir:ok I am tired good night people
Veer:good night,bela you also need to sleep
Bela nodded and veer left her room....


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