4. not to know the name

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The past couple of years were a flash, a big blur. A fucking bloody mess in the mind. Parts and bits disconnected and struggling to form one flowing memory. No recognition, no experiences. Ten years in a wall. Seems an awful lot, not? Ten years without showing your face, to no one. Don't let a single soul take notice of your presence.


So how did Bruno pull it off. How did he survive the search units. How did he avoid his family for so long. Was he just there in the walls, was there more to it? The young boy could not wrap his head around it. If he was here all this time, Dolores would've heard him for sure. At least when they were looking for him, Camilo assumed they had been looking for Bruno. He vaguely remembers a searching unit.

Some things just didn't seem to add up. To not make sense. Yes Doloros mentioned she heard him every day. How come she couldn't find him when they were looking for him. Questions questions and even more questions.

Don't take this the wrong way, Camilo was very happy to have his uncle back. He looked a little different than from his imagination and a little less intimidating. Instead of his usual rats the famous shapeshifter thought of Bruno more like a mouse. Less present, shy and almost invisible, anxiously waiting to be found by a cat.

"Camilo. Stop your thinking, dinner will be served shortly." One of the most famous Madrigals walked in, Mirabel Madrigal. This gorgeous girl, only a couple weeks younger than Camilo singlehandedly saved the whole family. Amazingly strong, brave and kind. If she were to be described those would be her keywords. "Yeah, I'm coming." "And no jokes today Camilo, Mariano will be here."

Camilo changed his expression to a disgusted one, he did not really dislike Mariano. His dislike was that his sister would marry and stop being his playmate, Camilo was still trying to hold desperately onto his childhood. The freeing wasn't that long ago, feelings of not knowing who he is and who he will become stayed. His biggest wish probably is to forever be a child. Never growing up, always just goofing around.

"Camilo, you coming." "Oui!" Shaking his head he disposed of the flowing thoughts. With being the 'clown' of the family comes a big responsibility. "You good cousin?" "Mais bien sûr! Why wouldn't I be?" Mirabel let out a big sigh: "Either English or Spanish, not one of your hobbies to learn every language." "Me disculpo, prima. It's my duty to mock Bruno in every language." They were slowly getting closer to the dinnertable. The need to be original and funny.

"You're still not over the fact that he isn't 7 feet tall, has rats on his back and an evil personality."
"The rats are true, I saw them." "Whatever." "* insert andere taal* "

Mirabel crosses her arms and rolls her eyes, her cousin is nice and all. But she can't keep up with his sense of humor. Abuela walks in the room and the entire family sits down for dinner, shortly after Mariano and his mother walk in. They sit next to Dolores instead of Isabella. Mariano, the hopeless romanticus he is, gives Dolores a small kiss on her hand before he takes his seat. The older ladies joke a bit about how it went terribly wrong last time. Casita serves dinner and silence falls over as everyone enjoys the pre-made food.

Bruno is one to enjoy this scene, never having such a polite dinner in over ten years. They use the best of the best cutlery, plates and napkins whenever they have guests over. Today is a special day, since Dolores and Mariano have an announcement to make. Knowing the girl it won't be a proposal, since Dolores is a little sensitive to very sudden changes.

Mariano is the one to take the word, he does so by softly tapping his knife against the side of the glass. "Attention please! Dolores and I would like to announce our official relationship." With that he sits right back down. Congratulations are given to them by each of the family members.

"Ah, this is great." Abuela sighs. "A new addition to the family. The last one who announced their relationship, not counting Isabella, was Bruno. And that was a long time ago." Pepa, Jullietta and Alma try to relive the memory. Remembering how and when it happened. Bruno on the other hand had no clue, hasn't he always been single? This must be a mistake.

However the humble man decided to not speak up.  He was way too nervous about possibly ruining his nieces announcement. Not wanting this happy atmosphere to change in one of uncertainty. He would ask Juillieta about it later. She'd help him.

Why didn't a vision show him this important detail from his life?

This certain dinner created a lot more questions, not only Bruno had more to solve. Camilo also, who was trying to figure out why Bruno acted so different all of the sudden. He might like to tease the ratman, he's still family and it ain't no secret that Camilo loves his family very dearly.

{my chapters are short, but I just want to deliver something to the few reads I have ;)

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