You wanted it, you got it. Itacest

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Me: Okay! First story update in forever!

England: It's about time, stupid git.

Me: You...why are you here? Your not in this fanfic..

England: *shoves Romano into convo* Your welcome. *walks away*

Me: Oh my fruk! Thanks, eyebrows!

Romano: Chigi!!! I can't believe that stupid idiota was able to catch me, URGH! *throws table*

Me: Woah! Calm your tits now, Jesus, da fucks wrong with you.

Italy: Ve~~ I'm here! Let's get started! Doitsu and I have done this before so I know how this works!

Me: That's my cue dammit!

Romano: Fuck my life.


"Ve..! Two sine x minus three cosine squared x all over secant squared x times cotangent x is equal to... No, I'll never be able to finish the test in time! Why can't fratello be here and help me?", Feliciano lamented, he was never good at math. He sat back, looking at the paper angrily, cursing it for being too difficult.

He preferred social studies, or ceramics. That was his favorite class. His elder brother skipped it in his freshman year, and after much whining and begging, the younger finally got him to enroll. It was only his preferred class since his brother was in it. The two had been in a semi-open relationship, if that's any way to call it. They had ended up in bed several times, and after a few months of innocent hooking up, Lovino finally acted and asked his little sibling out on a date.

After that, you couldn't see one without the other, and they were the happiest they had been. Well, it was more obvious with Lovino. He didn't curse as much, and never said 'idiota fratello' unless he was sure said fratello knew he was kidding. Though he did occasionally curse out Ludwig, who he felt was stealing his brother's attention away from him. He had been told time and time again that the German was 'just a friend, and anyways, he was with his own brother, they seem very happy, ve~'.

Well, back to the math. The Italian was currently sitting in a dead silent classroom, trying to figure out what all the numbers on the paper meant. He knew he should have studied more, but it was so boring. He stayed up as late as his body allowed, even refusing the sex he knew his fratello wanted, much to said brothers dismay. He began reading and rereading the formulas and quantities like the bible, but it was just as easy as flying to the moon with bricks for wings. He had even asked his brother to teach him, since math was his strong suit, but even his knowledge couldn't drag his brain up to the same level of understanding.

Feliciano sat idly in his chair, his mind wandering to his brother. What was he doing? Maybe he was taking his free period right now to paint that bowl he promised he'd make for him, only if he got a B or higher, which didn't seem likely at this point. He sighed quietly and looked back down, the question looking even more complicated. With a flick of his wrist, he wrote down the best answer he could muster, 'secant squared x times cosine x'.

He was interrupted, however, by an ear piercing wail. With a rather girlish screech, he spasmed, causing his pencil to scribble all over his self determined answer. A fire alarm had gone off, and since there weren't any fire drills since he had gotten out of high school, this had to be a real fire. He got up quickly, weaving and pushing his way through the frantic crowd jostling towards the exits. Once he had finally gotten out through the main exit, he started walking briskly to the other side of the campus, trying to get as far away as possible from the burning building.

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