Chapter 13: the First Quidditch Match

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It was fun writing about Quidditch again, it's been a while! I hope it's not difficult to follow!

This might seem like a filler chapter, but there are a few important things! Enjoy reading~


"Why aren't you eating?"

Namjoon looked up from his plate, pulled from his thoughts by Jin's voice. Jin looked at him both in concern and confusion. Namjoon could understand why; he was usually a big eater (not like Taehyung and Jungkook, though, those two were the real pigs) and never really picked at his food in the distracted fashion he was doing right now.

"I'm just thinking," Namjoon replied in a mumble, his eyes a little distant and not focused on his hyung.

Jin snorted. "You're always thinking, your brain works non-stop. But that usually doesn't stop you from eating."

Namjoon shook his head, putting down his fork and looking at Jin for a second, before sighing in defeat. "You're right. I'm just distracted... worried. Aren't you?"

Jin fell silent and looked away for a moment, his gaze lowering to look at the food on his plate. When he looked back at Namjoon, who was watching him expectantly, he grimaced. "Of course I'm worried. About many things, actually. But I know it's important to eat dinner. So... start acting like yourself again, and eat your food, will ya?"

"Right, alright," Namjoon chuckled, but it was hardly sincere.

He was thinking about Jimin, feeling more worried than usual that they had angered him. Jimin had been mad before, had taken his distance from one of them before if they got into a fight, it wasn't unusual. For none of them it was unusual. Most friends got into fights, big or small, once in a while, right?

However, completely ignoring all of them was new.

They had arrived back at Hogwarts about an hour ago. They had seen Jimin walk with a few Slytherins on their way back. He hadn't even looked in their direction once.

Namjoon was glad that Jimin had at least come back to Hogwarts with them, instead of trying to somehow get back to Manchester on his own. Namjoon thought Jimin wasn't that reckless – at least, usually he wasn't... not as far as Namjoon knew – but since Jimin's unusual amount of anger surprised them, he wasn't sure about anything anymore. So he was glad that Jimin turned out not to be reckless and instead did the smart thing and come back with them.

Even if it was... like this... walking with the Slytherins instead of with them...

Besides all this, Namjoon was pleased to find out that no one had noticed their absence. He was certain that none of the teachers had found out, and even though he'd gotten a few questions from fellow students about where he'd been and what he and his friends had done during the afternoon, none of them seemed suspicious that they had left Hogsmeade entirely.

But when they got back, Jimin still didn't look their way, and he didn't join them during dinner. Jin had wanted to sit as far away from Jimin as possible, so he had dragged Namjoon to the Gryffindor table – where they were supposed to sit, Jin told him. Jin's words confused Namjoon a little. They hadn't cared about that for over two years, why was it suddenly important? They almost always joined each other for dinner.

Emphasis on almost.

Hoseok and Jungkook were sitting at the Hufflepuff table. They said it was because they usually sat at the Hufflepuff table, but Namjoon knew it was because they were able to keep a closer look on Jimin from there.

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