☁️Feelings are returned☁️

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(Did i hear a "Yes"! Then lets do this!) (The playlist just fits the soft love vibe, enjoy this chapter. You all are Pretty/Handsome/Nice Looking People, never stop doing what you do, I love you! Enjoy, any problems with this chapter or any others tell me! Thus is a safe zone, if you ever feel in pain just know i'm here forever! <3 ( ・_・)♡!)


You thought it would be better to address the situation head on! You walked to The big Spider DJ but he didn't stop looking at you, figuring out how to start the conversation was useless as you were taking to long, so he started it.

"Hey Little ladybug, You did good today!"

He exclaimed with a big wide smile, you got flustered at the nick name he gave you, and smiled back before finally bringin' it up.

"So, About the kiss..."

"What about it?"

There was a slight red tint on his blue cheeks.

"I Like you a ton!" You said rushed and quickly.

There was a large red tint on both of your faces.

"You do?"


"Me- Me too.."

He said looking away from you.

You both weren't looking at each-a-other, both stiff and with red flustered faces. You decided to end the silence by walking up to him, kissing him on the cheek, and laying down next to him, you all cuddled before finally powering off hugging each other.


I LOVE YOU ALL, I love you all. Never hold back on your feelings, if you have mental problems and want to vent, i'm free or you can get a professional therapist i love you all!!!!!!

<3 ( ・_・)♡!

Never give up, people are here for you!!!



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CC for pic: Ask-the-music-man page on tumblr!


<3 ( ・_・)♡! <3 ( ・_・)♡! <3 ( ・_・)♡!<3 ( ・_・)♡!<3 ( ・_・)♡!<3 ( ・_・)♡!<3 ( ・_・)♡!<3 ( ・_・)♡!

!!On the dance floor!! DJ Music Man X Female Animatronic reader !!Where stories live. Discover now