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I ran down to the beach, and Parker was trailing behind me. The next thing I know I was being picked up, "Heyyy!! Put me down!!"

Parker laughed, running to the water, "Nope not going to happen."

I screamed, "No no no," the next thing I know I was in the water, and I dragged Parker down with me.

Parker pulled me close to him, "I think you need to let me take you out on a real date."

I smiled, blushing softly, "Oh really?"

He smiled and nodded, "Yes. Will you let me take you out tonight?"

I acted as though I was thinking, "Hmmm. I don't know."

Parker gave me puppy eyes, "Pretty please."

I giggled, "Fine but only because you are so cute."

He smiled big like a little kid, picking me up and spinning me around, "Yessss. I got date with the best looking girl. You better be ready by 7."

I smiled, "Ok I will be ready by 7. May I ask what it is that we are doing?"

Parker shook his head, "Nope. It's a surprise. You will just have to wait and see."

I groaned, "That is not fair. You know I hate surprises. I just want to know how I should dress."

He shrugged, "However you wish to dress is totally fine."

I groaned, "That does not help. Do I need to wear something nice?"

He shrugged, "I mean if you wish to dress nice then go ahead."

I frowned, "Please help me out here."

He laughed, "Ok fine. A simple dress would be suffice."

I smiled and kisses his cheek, "You're the best thank you."

I ran up to the house since I needed to start getting ready. Parker was trailing behind me, and soon caught up to me, throwing me over his shoulder, "Ahhhh. Put me down."

He laughed, "Nope not going to happen." He walked inside to our room, and threw me on to the bed.

I giggled, pulling him down with me, "Meanie."

He smiled, "You like me though."

I shrugged, "Hmmm I don't know about that."

He kissed me, "You know I am right."

I giggled, "Think what you want P."

He smiled, "Trust me I will."

After we finished getting ready we headed to wherever it was that Parker had planned. I honestly was really enjoying this time alone with Parker and even though, I had not known him long, it felt like I had known him my whole life.

We ended up going to some cute little restaurant on the beach. Parker was literally the sweetest person ever and I could tell he put a lot of thought into everything.

As we sat at the table, we just talked getting to know each other more. The more I talked to Parker the more and more I started to fall for him.

After dinner we took a walk on the beach, "Thank you for taking me on this trip Parker. You really didn't have to do this for me."

He smiled and shrugged, "You deserve it and hell we both just needed a chance to get away from everything. We both needed a break from all the craziness in our lives."

I nodded, "That means a lot to me."

He kissed my head, "So tell me about yourself."

I started, "Well, I'm 24 years old, I grew up in Waco. I don't really have any family as my dad died a few years ago and my mom had left us when I was like 5. So it's pretty much just been me the past few years, and I want to live out my dream of making music because my dad is the person that gave me my love for music. He was always playing the guitar when I was little and he's the one who taught me how to play. He was a producer so he always had artists in and out of the studio that we had in our house. He would have loved you."

He pulled me into a hug, "I'm so sorry Em. Well you have me now. Your dad sounds like a really great guy and I would have loved to meet him. Maybe sometime you could show me that studio in your house."

I nodded, "I would love to. You will love it."

He smiled, "I can't wait to see it."

We soon headed back to the house we were staying at and we got ready for bed.

Parker was laying in bed with just a pair of shorts on and no shirt and I threw one of his tshirts on and threw my hair into a messy bun then got into bed with him.

He smiled, "You look so good in my clothes."

I smiled blushing hard, "Yeah I bet I look better than you do in them."

He laughed and nodded, "You're not wrong."

I smiled as he pressed a kiss to my lips, "Thank you for letting me take you out tonight."

I smiled, "You didn't really give me an option."

He smiled and shook his head, "Nope. Besides even if I did you wouldn't have turned me down anyways."

I smiled and nodded, he was right, "Yeah I know. Because for some odd reason I actually kinda like you."

He smiled, "Oh really? Just kinda?"

I nodded, "Yep."

He laughed, peppering kisses all over my face, "You really like me admit it."

I shook my head, "Nope not going to happen loser."

He started tickling me, "Admit it you really really like me."

I laughed, "I will when you admit that you really like me."

He put his hands up in the air, "Wow you really got me there. You're right I really really like you."

I smiled, "And I really really like you too weirdo."

He smiled kissing me again, "Good."

After we spent a little more time talking and messing around with each other, we soon drifted off to sleep.

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