2: No Family

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Tory's POV:

Have you ever been at a really big airport? The ones with the huge metal corridors you walk up to get onto the plane?

Well thats where I was now. I queued behind the many passengers about to board the plane, looking at my watch and taking a typical-me sigh.

I had just finished my most recent mission, and I was determined not to EVER go on another one. If one thing was for sure, it was that I hated my job. I am a professional spy working for A.J Smith, the leader of an undercover group named Unit 3. I knew for a fact that Unit 1 and Unit 2 were completely wiped out. You'll hear their story a bit later. I'd better let my aunt's diary tell you a little more about my background. She cannot, unfortunately, tell you in person, for she is dead.

Aunt Gloria's Diary:

Dear diary,

My husband, Patrick's parents had hired Unit 1 to kidnap his brother, Simon, so that he would be ensured an amazing job, when my father was eighteen. Of course, Unit 1 were powerful enough to do this without fail.

Simon was kidnapped and shipped off to a remote island, just off of the coast of Hawaii. He was certainly not the lanky type, with large muscles, my blue eyes and floppy blonde hair and well-built arms. (However, not quite as wonderful as my husband, of course.)

Angela, baby Tory's mother and my sister in law; on the other hand, had been the daughter of the leader of Unit 1, and next in line to be leader because of her relations. She was beautiful, from what I remember, with soft curves, freckled cheeks, slightly curly hair and bright blue eyes.

As Simon was kidnapped, he was stubborn not to give in to his captors, Unit 1. He often refused any food, water or clothes apart from the ones he wore. He put up a suprisingly good fight, and was nicknamed 'The Untamed Outlaw' because of his fiery nature. He actually managed to break the nose of one of the other members of Unit 1, truly showing his great potential to be on their team.

Angela decided enough was enough and managed to convince her father that maybe Simon would be softer towards the female population, and that she could probably convince him to be a vital member of their team, they really needed him. As they have often said, to agents like me, he had been a 'vital member of the team.'

So, the next day, she waltzed into the holding cell, with nothing but a smile and a hidden nervousness. Her actual reason to go see my dad was, well, for a more personal reason. She came out of the room a few minutes later with an even bigger smile and the knowledge that Simon would start work at once.

Time flew by, and the two fell for eachother- eventually getting married. The years passed quickly, their job went well, they had baby Tory- and loved her- and realised they could no longer multitask. They couldn't start a family and at the same time be putting their lives down in secret for the British population. They knew it was risky, but for a sweet reason, they did it for Tory. They marched up to the new boss- as Angela's mother had long passed on- and asked to leave. They were blatantly refused.

They spent the night sobbing into eachothers arms, knowing their lives were at limbo, but bracing warm smiles to their daughter, Tory, and pretending everything was alright. Months again flew by, and it seemed there would be no terrible fate for them to bare, it would all be alright. They organised a coupley honeymoon in Paris, and left baby Tory with me, Gloria, and dear Patrick- we're both part of Unit 2 who are Unit 1's backup team.

Tory's parents were apparently sitting in a cafe in one of the main city squares, when armed men from Unit 1 barged into the cafe, to warn the people, but mostly Simon and Angela, shouting for everyone to get down on the ground. People climbed under tables, some even ran away, but my brother and sister in law, knowing it was partly their fault, simply held eachother in their arms and prepared for the worst.

Over 60 people died that day, the bomb blasted most of the square apart. The people who survived the event were tracked down and brainwashed so they could not recall any of what happened. Poor Angela and Simon were not among the lucky ones. The people who did survive, and I quote, suffered  'Some of the worst injuries, a terrible fate for our beloved agents', as the leader of Unit 1 had convincingly said, and I had deep suspicions he was involved in their murder- since he knew they would leave otherwise. My brother and sister in law's mangled remains were placed in two coffins with their names inscribed on the lid as follows:


Angela and Simon Lewis

Beloved agents of Unit 1

Will be missed greatly by both friends and family alike.

May they pass on and love eachother as deeply in life and in death.

I found this inscription so sad, and I really think they would be happy, wherever they are now. I mean, their daughter was going to suffer a similar fate as they did, she was still entertwined with the troublesome buisiness of all the Units somehow, and she had no parents. Because of my suspicions about the death of my good friends and family, I fear for the worst, but me and Patrick support eachother in the knowledge that we'll always have eachother.

Your's faithfully,

Gloria Lewis


Tory POV

You see, because my aunt and uncle had similar suspicions as many about the cause of my parents death, they protested greatly, among many other faithful Unit 1 and 2's ending in thecomplete and utter wipeout of the Units. It was made to look like an accident, but of course most of us newly recruited Unit agents new otherwise but were too scared to say so. We kept our heads down and got on with our work, having been taught a lesson about what would happen if you weren't loyal and faithful to Unit, if you chose to abandon your leaders.

But I would again attempt to leave Unit again, and this time I would succeed.

So I am Agent Tory Lewis, a professional spy of Unit 3, and this is my story.

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