10: Crestfallen

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Blondie's POV:

Beep, beep. Beep beep.

"Tory Lewis, desceased on March 10th, 2013." The doctor in charge spoke in an emotionless voice, "I'm sorry for your loss.."

"Candy. Just call me Candy." I said, trying not to shed my tears. I know it had never seemed it, but I had looked up to Tory, even if she was younger than me. I had asked not to see the body as I couldn't bare the thought.

When that fiery ball had come, I had got down on the ground and screamed for everyone else to follow, but the other three had not heard me and dissappeared, presumed dead. Tory was the only one left and she had just died behind the mockingly white door in front of me.

I sighed, gathered up my things and ran out of the hospital before anyone could see the lone tear snaking its way to my chin. 

After hailing a taxi, I was driven to my safehouse- I never stayed anywhere too much because I was under police protection. I still remembered why and believe me, it wasn't a good time...



*Twenty years ago*

 "Candy, Hide!" My mum shouted,

"But mommy, I don't want to!" I replied, sticking a thumb into my mouth. My mum took my face into her hands and looked into my eyes,

"Candy, I love you. I will always be there for you. You trust me yes?" I nodded as the door was banged on again and ran away from my mum and the door, moving the sliding bookcase by pushing the button and walking down the stairs of the basement, locking the door shut behind me.

I breathed heavily, listening to the scuffles of my mom making her way to the door.

It must have been about half an hour when my mum's screaming and the muffled thumps and bumps stopped, but when they did, the floorboards above me began to creak and I shrank away against the wall.

"Hello?" A deep male voice said, sounding nice but I knew they weren't. Mummy had taught me not to talk to strangers. The shadow slipping through the slits of light above me began to move and the floorboards again groaned under the weight of the stranger.

"Hello?" The voice repeated menacingly, but it came out more like "Hel-oh-oh", like in the horror movies my mum wouldnt let me watch. The shadow stood by the bookcase and scuffles of the man's attempts at opening the inpenetrable door could be heard in the echoing silence.

"I'll be back. I will come and find you. However long it takes." The voice said less kindly, revealing the truth behind my thoughts. I whimpered and watched the shadow retreat to the front door before slamming it shut behind him. I sighed and then began to ssearch for my mothers body. When I found it, I wished I hadnt.

It was a mangled, bloody mess, only her head being saved. Even that had pasty, sick- covered hair attached to her sweaty forhead and bruises covered her neck and chest. I shuddered and called 999.


Hey fellow Wattpadders!

Hope you're enjoying the books, I haven't updated in a while but I'd love it if you checked out my joint book 'Risking Love' by TheBeautifulWords,

Jennifer (fuzzlycat)

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