Looking Forward to You - 23

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“No! He could’ve easily punched him there!” Kyouka ranted, screaming at her screen, which displayed the Hero Academia movie she was watching with Momo. Despite being a relatively calm person, she couldn’t help but feel frustrated at the continuity issues between the second and third movies.

Momo bit her lip from spoiling what happens next and only chuckles at Kyouka raging. “The third movie gets you really amped up, Jirou,” Momo notes.

“That’s because, for some bizarre reason, All Might is weaker compared to the last two movies! Him in the second movie could’ve easily rocked this guy’s shit, I swear.” She snarled, rolling her eyes as the villain once again beat the hero to the ground who only got back up.”

“That’s the most complaints made towards the third movie, but the ending really helps save the movie, I promise,” Momo replied, paying attention to the movie feeling nostalgic as this wasn’t her first time watching it.

Rather than replying, she continued watching the movie. Compared to the last two watches together, the two mutually decided to talk less during the third movie. The next words to be uttered between them were a slip up from Kyouka, as she couldn’t filter out her words.

“All Might’s mentor is lowkey hot,” Kyouka admitted unknowingly. Only did she realize she said it out loud as she heard Momo laugh. “Did I say that out loud?” Kyouka awkwardly asked with a forced chuckle.

“You did,” Momo answered after she stopped laughing. “Though I never expected to learn your type from watching a movie together.”

“It’s not a type!” she panicked, quickly drawing the small comparisons between both the actress and Momo. Admittedly, she said that more towards herself rather than to respond to Momo.


Date: December 18, 2021

Channel: #general-chat
Time: 02:40 PM - 03:18 PM

Channel: #general-chatTime: 02:40 PM - 03:18 PM

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