Continued Plan - 29

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Even though I only had up to Chapter 33 planned out entirely, I had a general idea of what was to happen next. I apologize for the lack of format compared to the other ones, but this is what I intended “Internet Friends” to continue as.

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- At the end of what would be chapter 35 is when Momo and Jirou officially get together. They get together after Momo says randomly during a vc in the middle of a conversation, "Oh by the way I like you." To this Momo quickly leaves the vc and Jirou talks to Momo about how she feels the same way. Naturally, they get together and that's how the chapter ends.

- The first ones to find out about the relationship are Bakugou, Iida, and Deku, or in other words, the other people on the staff team with Momo. They find this out through the logs channel after Momo changes her relationship status role on discord from "single" to "taken." As it was those three that found it out first, they were relatively calm about it. Of course, including the reaction of "fucking finally, I was getting so annoyed of this bull crap" from Bakugou. Deku just didn't want to be a third wheel anymore.

- Jirou forgets to tell the Bakusquad about her relationship, but she really did plan on it. Granted, though it was late when they got together, meaning she woke up later than usual, especially when she spent the majority of the night freaking out by herself.

- Mina figures it out after she looks at Momo's roles on Discord and realizes she's marked as taken. Believing that it wasn't Jirou, especially since she would've been at least told of this news, she freaks out. Or at least freaks out as subtly as she can to be respectful of Momo's relationship.

[Mina]: who the fuck are you dating @Momo lol
[Mina]: i had no idea you were interested in someone
[Mina]: HAHA
[Mina]: who is it.

[Bakugou]: if you're going to be salty, be less obvious about it

- Denki is a lot less subtle compared to Mina. In fact, he wasn't subtle at all.

[Denki]: are you dating Jirou?

[Kirishima]: oml Denki

[Denki]: sorry
[Denki]: are you dating a girl who plays way too many instruments and happens to have short dark hair?

- Momo's still asleep by the time Jirou wakes up. She enters the server and tells them what's up, since Bakugou, Deku, and Iida decided to say nothing.

[Kendou]: Is it really necessary to throw this much of a fit over a discord role?

[Sero]: i don't know what you mean. This is normal

[Jirou]: what the


[Jirou]: well shit I'd hope so considering the fact I'm dating her

- The cliché reactions of people freaking out plus congratulating them follow. Jirou apologizes for not telling them.

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- Momo and Jirou's relationship is extremely casual and wholesome. It's obvious that they're comfortable around each other. They face timing a lot more often and sometimes fall asleep on call together while listening to music together.

- The story shifts when it's clear that they're reliant on each other, though it takes a short time skip for things to shift. Rather than the conflict being between each other, it's within themselves. There are signs of it through the dialogue and how often a person may appear on chat.

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Jirou and Momo were both going to have their own personal mini-arcs that give a glimpse at how their life is and how they're doing outside of the relationship.

Internet Friends [MomoJirou]Where stories live. Discover now