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*~Camilo's POV~*

I was woken up by Mirabel knocking on my door and some other's. I groaned and sat up, rubbing my eyes. I scowled at the wall before getting up and standing in front of my mirror. I glared at my reflection before perking up the second I remembered the day's plans. Today was the week's end, so I didn't have to worry about my tasks, since the town's people rarely ask for help on Saturday and Sunday, as a thanks for the hard work we put into the town during the week. I shifted into my usual attire, making more of an effort to clean myself up today. Then, I reached into one of my drawers and snatched out my bracelet that mi amor gave me on our first ever date. I beamed at it for a minute before quickly grabbing my phone from my nightstand and slipping it into my pocket. I open my door energetically and run down the stairs, my hand sliding down the banisters.

"Careful, cariño!" My Mami warned me, like usual, as I got to the bottom of the stairs and continued running. I smiled and said good morning to a few people as I made my way to the table. I made my way to my seat and joined Abuela, Luisa, Antonio and Mirabel. Julieta and Augustín were both in the kitchen, preparing breakfast whilst Casita was handing Mirabel some plates and cutlery.

 "What's got you in a good mood?" My Mamá asked as she entered the room.

 " I'm going out with Mateo today! " I practically yelled.

 "Aw, where to?" She asked, a smile appearing, accompanied with a rainbow.

 "To the park. It's where we first met, actually!" I said with pride, beaming at the thought with a slight blush. Mirabel chuckled a little  and Luisa smiled, whilst Antonio gave me a confused smile, not knowing too much about love yet. Mamá Pepa sat down and Dolores came down the stairs, tying her hair up into her usual bun and placing her red accessory on the top. She gave me a mischievous smile as she sat one seat away from me on the left.

 "Apparently Camilo was so excited that he forgot to shut his door. Again. I, of course, had to make sure he didn't wake us all up with his loud snoring." She mocked. Small giggles sprouted as more people arrived at the table. My blush returned, this time one of embarrassment. I scowled at my sister as Isabela sat next to me, stopping a sibling quarrel before it even started. Soon when everyone else was seated, Julieta and Augustín joined us with plates of food, some of which carried by Luisa, who was now standing, as Isabela used her vines to set the plates of food down, where Casita spread them out and carried them around the table to people. I took some food, but not the usual amount, spiking the family's suspicions yet again. I don't think the excuse of snacks could work again, so I was lucky that no one asked. Abuela asked for us to thank the miracle before we could take a bite of our morning meal. Conversations then started up and Abuela was trying her best to not make things awkward, unlike Bruno. But even though he was gone for around ten years, he still heard everybody's conversations at dinner, so he was very much caught up when he came out of the walls.


*~Camilo's POV~*

Breakfast was finished and I was seeing what chores I could do quickly, until I got a notification alert from my phone.

What time

What do you mean?

The park. I'm free and bored

Oh! Maybe in an hour?

Fine, I guess

I Love you! <3


I squealed and finished my chores before racing out the casa and running to the park, shifting into faster people to run quicker. I checked my phone for the time; 9:51 I got there a few minutes early, but I wanted to be early so that I could set some things up.


*~Third Person POV ~*

Fairy lights swayed in the light breeze, colliding with pink lanterns and making clattering and rustling sounds of paper and plastic. A young teenage boy was sleeping against a tree with a basket in his hands. The sun was low and the sky was a deep purple. A hill of grass was reflecting a dull beam of light from the crimson orange ball in the sky. Blue clouds floated freely on the skyline, moving with the wind and changing always in shape and size.

The peaceful silence was broken when a teen the same age as the boy on the hill, made his way up to the tree standing above both young males, crunching the grass. A black mask rested underneath the boy's face at the bottom of the hill, contrasting with the white trainers that sat below a rolled up pair of light blue ripped jeans and a striped black and white button-up shirt that was short-sleeved and draped below the hips with a singular pocket on the left, matching the four pockets that lay snug on the front and back of the jeans. He walked up the hill to meet his waiting partner, sitting beside him with one leg sprawled out, holding the other. He lay there for a minute before resting his hand on the boy's, whom sat on the right of him, sleeping, cross-legged. The magical boy awoke from his deep sleep and looked up at his lover, yawning and rubbing his eye with his free hand. Their eyes met and they stared at eachother for a few moments, hearing only the wind, before one finally spoke up...

 "Sorry... Camilo."



Sorry if this chapter was short, have a good day/night! 💕

Camilo Madrigal Angst and Headcannons (because why not)Where stories live. Discover now