confiding : jk

144 15 3

Y/N pov

As soon as he opened the door you jumped into his arms and started sobbing. Not knowing what to do he just wrapped his arms around you and held you while you cried.

The feeling felt natural. And you felt safe. Even though in that moment you were hurting, Jungkook made you feel better.

"Let's go inside" he whispered and pulled you into his home and seated you on the couch .

He took your bag to his guest room and then came to sit next to your trembling figure.

You told him everything, how Taehyung would treat you and how he was taking away your jobs and giving them to Mina , how you caught them in bed together and how you were so angry about it. And the entire time , his arms were around you . Comforting you as you spoke.

"I think it's time I tell you about myself, just to distract you from this okay " Jungkook says , staring into your eyes with admiration and empathy. You simply nod , loving the idea of changing the topic.

"I was born into a rich family. Only child with a loving father and an uncaring, controlling mother who I'm sure would swap me out for a doll anytime. They're easier to control.  "

"I'm sorry about your mother . Why would she be like that?" You asked softly , what mother would not care about her child? The very child she brought into the world? That wouldn't  make any sense.

"I was popular in high school , handsome or some shit like that " he said casually like he didn't believe it , or didn't know why . Whatever the reason was , it made you smile .

"My parents arrange dates for me regularly. They want me to settle down and start shooting out kids . But every girl they set me up with just does not work . At all" he says sassily , grimacing at the idea , his cute tantrum like behaviour made you cackle and Jungkook could only smile at that.

"I was so willing to marry just about anyone because they set me up with Park Soomin for marriage and oh I could never do that . Fuck to the no" now you were laughing because you knew who Soomin was and you totally understood why he does not want to marry her .

"Glad to see you're laughing love" he said with a soft smile on his face . You calmed down and stared at his smile . His beautiful bunny smile that had your heart beating out of your chest .
This was different. It wasn't like with Taehyung or any other person.

"I've never had a very hard life , I worked day and night to make sure I got to where I am now. The entertainment industry has been something I admired and I wished to build something just as big one day , myself. And I did , because now I'm the 'king of entertainment' as they call me"

"It can get lonely at times right? And so many women desire you . Surely it wouldn't be hard to find a decent one in the millions to keep you company" you said but you felt a tug in your chest . You didn't like what you were saying.

"I find none . And trust me I've tried but they're always something I do not want. I'm very picky you see and I just don't see myself with someone who doesn't have what I need and want" you nod in understanding. Jungkook knows what he wants . And knows how he wants to be treated . You started to think about your relationship with Taehyung again . Anger surged through you , you wanted to establish your power. And that's exactly what you were going to do .

"What are you thinking about Y/N "




thank you kmb0362 for the motivation to write this chapter. Your comment is much appreciated and thank you to everyone actually reading this  and being patient with me and my slow updates. 💕💕

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