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Your heart sank as the plane wheels touched down on the land you called home. Now you had to deal with what you had run away from , the pain had to be faced all over again. But you were ready. And surprisingly calm. Jungkook had been there for you in every way and after last night, you really were on cloud 9. Your emotions were confusing to say the least, miserable and ecstatic at the same time. But now reality was right in front of you.

Walking through the airport filled with reporters screaming questions at you from all directions was something you had been used to, you'd never answered any of their questions anyway, but today you wanted to do it differently. So you stopped dead in your tracks , everyone surrounding you stopping as well, their mouths still moving. Taking off your sunglasses and mask, a smile adorned your face as you listened for what they were asking.

"Y/N! Is it true that Taehyung had been cheating on you with Choi Mina all this time?"

You nodded. They gasped.

"Y/N! How do you feel about this situation?"

"I'm absolutely devastated, I never expected this from Tae", you said , feigning heartbreak.

"Y/N!! Is the wedding still on?"

They all looked at you expectantly , so you just smirked, put your mask and sunglasses back on and continued walking, not answering anymore questions.


JB had notified you of the many upcoming interviews that you had , all to discuss what had been posted about Taehyung, which, in the thought alone, had exhausted you already.

Today the first one would take place.


Taking your seat in the chair beside the interviewer, the first interview commenced.

"Helloooo South Korea , this is Drama Mama SK live, and today we'll be hosting a very successful, influential and absolutely gorgeous model who has worked her way up in her career since the day she started. She is elegant, smart and never seizes to be the centre of a room , we have Min Y/N !!!"

"Hi everyone, I'm Min Y/N, here today with Drama Mama SK,and I'm so honoured to be here today."

"We're honoured to have you. As you know we're here to discuss the recent posts shared by an anonymous account about your fiancée Kim Taehyung cheating on you with your coworker, Choi Mina. These allegations have spread far and wide, how do you feel about that Y/N ?"

"Well I know and understand that when things are released onto the media, it is bound to be everywhere, so I'm fine with everyone knowing. It doesn't bother me."

"I see, and I saw the video of you confirming those allegations at the airport. It must have been heartbreaking to experience such betrayal. How are you handling everything?"

"Well it is hard you know, and very shocking as well. This is the man I was supposed to marry and spend my life with and he's been stabbing me in the back all this time. It's just very painful"

"I'm so sorry Y/N, reading the comments here, it seems that your fans feel very passionately about your situation. I see a comment that reads 'She is not deserving of such a man. Y/N is a queen and deserves to be treated like one', oh and another that reads 'I will hunt down this scum of a man and tear him to shreds for hurting Y/N. She is such a beautiful person , we are all here for you Y/N, fighting!!'"

"Oh my, I really appreciate the love and support I'm receiving from my fans during this difficult time. I couldn't be more grateful to have them on my side"

"You really are lucky. Oh and you mentioned earlier that you were supposed to marry this man. I have to ask, will the wedding still be happening or will it be called off?"

"I've thought about it and I don't want to marry Kim Taehyung anymore. I've realised that all these years he had never really loved me and only ever used me for the status of my family. So no, the wedding will not go forth. I don't need to be married to a man like him anyway."

"Well said Y/N, truly. I think we all admire you for being so strong and for walking away from this situation. You really do deserve better."

"I do"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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