I quickly turn away from the mirror in front of me not wanting to look at the person that it would reflect back. Ive always hated mirrors. Even before everything turned to utter shit. I hated that you could see what other people saw of you. Mirrors reflect light right? They reflect the light of the world around you, expect in a world like mine, ours, they always seem to reflect darkness instead.
"Bambina whats the matter?" Leo's familiar voice pulls me out of my thoughts. "You've been staring at the wall for a while now. Are you ok?" His thumb rubs circles in my bare shoulder.
"Yes, I'm fine I just spaced out sorry" I let out a small laugh. Blinking a couple times to clear my vision properly.
"You don't need to say sorry. It happens" Leo's warm hand rests on my shoulder. "Come on let's get you into these." He holds up the bunch of clothes he picked out.
"Could we go see Lila and the baby before we go?" Leo told me that the same day he saved me from the Russians and brought me to the hospital, Lila's water had broke and she was having the baby. huge coincidence i know.
I take the shirt from Leo's hands and carefully put on. I change my underwear, Leo helping me put on my bra. Leo unfolds the leggings and holds them out for me to step into.
I lean my hands on his shoulders to balance myself since two babies inside of me are affecting my sense of balance. Stepping one leg into the other, Leo pulls up the black leggings and then places a small kiss on my stomach. His soft lips linger on my stomach before he stands up to his full height.
I step into a pair of comfy ballerina shoes and turn to face Leo. "Of course we can. Ginevra is a beautiful baby" he folds up the old hospital gown and places it on the sink beside him. Leo holds out his hand for me. I take it in mine and we walk out of the room I've been in for god knows how long.
I notice the nurses watching as me and Leo walk down the corridor towards the maternity wards where Lila and her little girl are.
Their eyes bore into the back of my head as i can feel them still staring. Mind your own business.
Me and Leo finally make it at the room Lila is in. I open the door, seeing everyone sat inside the room with her. Cora, Gabi, Dante, axel and Luca. They all watch little baby Ginevra sleep in her mothers arms.
The sight warms up my heart. Someday this will be me. Me holding my two perfect babies in my arms as i watch them sleep. That's all i could wish for. To be a great mother to my children.
"Elena oh my god your here! Do you want to hold her?" Lila speaks in a hushed tone so she doesn't wake a sleeping Ginevra in her arms. "Of course i do" i smile towards her and reach my arms out.
Lila carefully places her into my arms. She wriggles her tiny body in my arms then lets out a yawn. I coo at her, holding out my finger for her to grab.
"So, have you guys though about names yet? Oh and do you want to find out about the genders or wait?" Lila rushes, clearly trying to catch up on the things she's missed since I've been gone.
"We've thought of some names but I want to wait to find out the genders" I say looking down at Geneva in my arms.
This is what i want now. I have everything that i need right in this room. My friends, my family and soon ill have my babies too. I cant wait to watch them grow up, whilst i grow old with my husband right next to me.
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