Chapter 46)

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This chapter is dedicated to Millie and Alex because they wont shut up about me not updating for ages.

Thanks for the reminder.

Fun fact-

Married people are more likely to masturbate than people living alone.


𝗟𝗲𝗼'𝘀 𝗣𝗢𝗩~

But what if zane was right. He hasn't come for me yet.. maybe he doesn't want me after all.


Bringing the cigarette up to my lips I take in a large drag of the smoke and then blow it out slowly. My eyes scan the sheet of paper in front of me.

The scribbles of writing becoming less readable with every take in of smoke and sip of whiskey.

I've not been sleeping properly resulting in my eyes becoming red and dark circles forming under my eyes.

I place the cigarette down on the ashtray and lean back in my chair. I squint my eyes to read axels messy as fuck writing.

Before I can read another word the door to my office opens. Axel walks strides in, he's in the same shape as I am.

I knew he didn't like Elena at the beginning but she's grown on him. She's grown on all of us.

"You can't just be sitting in here sulking your ass off and putting yourself in a earlier grave you need to be out there searching for her" he points his finger towards me.

"What if.." I'm cut of by axel who stops me again.

"Ive gathered everyone to the living room,' the ones willing to fight that is." Before i can reply, he walks out of my office.

Okay then.

I stand up from my chair, granting when my stiff joins begin to move again.


"Let's make this as easy as possible." I point down at the map drawn out in red ink. "We go in, see if she's in there and leave. Kill anyone you see i don't care if they beg for their life. Kill them"

"Okay i think we all get the gist of what your trying to say bud" Dante pats me on the shoulder hard.

"So if she's not there it's just a warning right? To see what we'll do to get her back." One of my men say. I nod, looking at him.

His eyes hold sympathy towards me. I don't need sympathy.

Just her.

"Everyone grab your weapons. Be in the cars by 1pm." I step backwards and leave my group of men.

Walking towards the weapons room I pull out the key and unlock the room. I grab any guns that can reach, surrounded by knifes and bullets for the guns.

I grab the guns of my choosing and check  that they're all loaded.

I strap two AK-47s to my waist and grab a 9mm handgun and slip in into the back of my belt. I slide two knifes into each of my boots, making sure they're in a comfortable position.

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