lvii. alaska

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sydneywilson film developed from last summer. miss these people

view al 4,700 comments

hichasestokes miss you guys
sydneywilson soon 🤞🏻

username i love them

username need a s2 right now

username can't wait for them all to be back together again

rudeth FAMILY 💙
[ liked by sydneywilson and hichasestokes ]

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

THE LARGE SUNGLASSES, THE BASEBALL CAP AND THE MASK COVERING SYDNEY'S FACE WAS MORE THAN ENOUGH TO STOP HER FROM GETTING RECOGNISED. Yet the girl was still checking her surroundings every five minutes to make sure there wasn't any phones pointed towards her in the airport that her and Rudy were currently waiting in.

Rudy was leaning against a wall as Sydney stood directly in front of him as they waited for their gate to open so they could board their flight to Alaska. Rudy had also been wearing a pair of sunglasses and a mask, but wasn't as paranoid as Sydney. He'd gone to take the glasses off his eyes but Sydney's voice stopped him immediately. "You've got to keep the sunglasses on."

"Why? We're inside." His voice was muffled slightly by the mask but Sydney heard every word.

"Because someone might see us!"

"God forbid." Rudy commented, rolling his eyes despite Sydney not being able to see. But she could tell by the sarcasm in his voice that it was probably followed by an eye roll. So she playfully pushed him and frowned. "Hey, I'm kidding." Rudy had laughed. "I'll keep them on."

"Thank you." Sydney smiled. "You know the shit we'd get if our friends found out through twitter and not through us." She had felt the need to explain herself, not wanting Rudy to think it was for any other reason. She wanted ready for the world to know about them, she wasn't ready for their friends to find out.

"I know." Although Rudy teased her, he understood why she wanted them to stay a secret. "We'll tell them soon."

Sydney nodded. "Soon." She repeated. "I just like having you all to myself." Sydney told Rudy, leaning forward and snaking her arms around his waist.

Rudy couldn't help but smile as his own arms snaked around Sydney's shoulders. "You'll get me all to yourself regardless of whether they know or not." He told her leaning his head closer to her own.

"You know what I mean." And he did. He knew Sydney enjoyed the secrecy and the privacy of nobody else knowing about the two, even the privacy from their own friends. But it was becoming tiresome keeping it from them, especially when they all had their suspicions. Rudy just didn't understand why they couldn't tell their friends and still keep their relationship a secret.

And it wasn't like Sydney hadn't thought about that too, but when people start to find out about the two of them then it'll become inevitable that everyone will find out sooner or later. Sydney wanted to go public with their relationship on their own terms. She just hoped her own terms would come before Rudy decided he'd had enough. Sydney wasn't blind, she could see he was tired of hiding.

Luckily for Sydney, she knew Rudy wouldn't bring it up again on their trip. Not when they were staying with his parents and younger brother.

Rudy's mother, Penny, was picking the two up from the airport in Ketchikan. She was then going to drive them back to their family home where they were staying. Meaning, Sydney knew she had to be on her best behaviour. She hadn't seen Rudy's parents since they were together the first time and she wasn't sure what they thought of her anymore. Rudy had assured Sydney that they were okay with her and wasn't holding any grudges but Sydney was still worried that they secretly hated her for what happened between the two. She was just glad she'd seen Rudy's younger brother, Henning, after the break up and he seemed to be okay with her. Hopefully the others were too.

Rudy and Sydney had landed in Alaska ten minutes past 9 that evening. Penny had been waiting at the airport to take them home and had given Sydney the warmest welcome she could have. Sydney couldn't stop smiling after that as they drove through Ketchikan, a place Sydney had missed more than anything. Rudy had come from a beautiful place.

And the welcome from Rudy's father, Andrew, had been the exact same. He was happy to see Sydney and was glad she was there visiting them with his son.

Sydney couldn't have been happier. She was back in one of her favourite places after years, with her boyfriend and his family after being confined to her apartment for months. She didn't think life could get any better. But that night, Sydney and Rudy had both received a phone call from Jonas Pate. Outer Banks had been renewed for a season two and they were back filming that September.

So Sydney was wrong, life was about to get a whole lot better. Being back with her favourite people in a beautiful place that she'd fallen in love with, she couldn't have been more excited. Except now Sydney knew she was going to have to tell them about Rudy and she wasn't sure how they were going to react knowing they'd kept it from them for so long.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

it's been like 5 months holy shit i am so so sorry for not updating this book in so long
i don't even know why i haven't written and updated this book for so long because i still have so much inspiration for this book and i still want to continue sydney and rudy's story

i hope you guys haven't lost interest or too much interest in this book and if not then thank you all for sticking around and waiting patiently for me to update. love you guys <3

this book has also gained 100k reads since i last updated so wow thank you

i promise not to wait another 5 months to update lol

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