iv. surfing

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liked by drewstarkey, madisonbaileybabe and 463,910 others

sydneywilson took this just before tank tried jumping out the back window

view all 2,068 comments

markrichards when i tell you i nearly had a heart attack.....
sydneywilson ur scream from the back seat was my fav thing

username i love that her dogs name is tank

madelyncline BABY!!!! ur so cute 🥺🥺 literally a goddess
sydneywilson the way i love u with my entire heart already

username she's so pretty

madisonbaileybabe you can't be real. how is someone this gorgeous
sydneywilson please 🥺🥺 i adore you

username sydney 😍😍

username PRETTY GIRL

username anyone else just as confused as to what's she's doing in south carolina

maudeapatow miss ur beautiful face <3
sydneywilson miss you sm

alexademie baby
sydneywilson I MISS U SO MUCH

username ^^ crying. i can't wait for euphoria

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"OKAY, YOU'RE JUST GOING TO SIT WITH TANK AND NOT SAY A WORD. OKAY?" Sydney told Mark as they both walked down to the beach. She was partially joking but at the same time she wasn't. Sydney didn't need Mark accidentally slipping up.

"So, I'm pretending that I don't know him? Does he know that? Have you even spoken to him yet?"

"I've been here 3 days! Of course I haven't." Sydney said as they began walking across the sand to where the others were. Sydney had Tank's lead in one hand and she was really pulling, it was as though she could sense he was there. "Just pretend like I didn't date him for nearly two years, please." Sydney told Mark, praying he didn't say anything stupid to anyone that made them realise. Ideally, she needed Mark to just not talk to Rudy at all.

Mark had noticed Tank's eagerness to get to Sydney's new friends. "I think Tank already knows he's there." Mark commented, but Sydney chose to ignore him.

Chase was the first to spot Sydney, giving her a wave as she approached them. This made everyone else turn around to see Sydney walking over with her dog. Tank was pulling Sydney real bad and if she didn't let her off before she reached them, Tank was going to pull her over so Sydney let go of the lead and Tank immediately rushed over to the others.

Tank loved people, she loved meeting new people and she just loved all the attention from everyone. So when she ran over, she was wagging her tail and running through everyone's legs. She was too excited to stop and let anyone say hello to her. Except when she reached Rudy. Sydney knew she'd recognise him, she knew Tank would know it was him straight away. So when Tank started jumping up at Rudy and practically begging him to stroke her, Sydney knew that she knew.

"Wow. She's picked favourites already." Madison laughed as she watched Rudy crouch down to make a fuss over Tank. The group laughed, even Rudy and Sydney forced themselves to laugh along. Tank adored Rudy when him and Sydney were dating. She had rescued Tank when she was 10 months old and that was 2 months before Rudy and Sydney started dating so Tank had known Rudy for just as long as Sydney did. The only difference was Rudy didn't break Tank's heart.

When Tank finally calmed down, she moved away from Rudy, who stood up from kneeling on the sand, and went over to the others. "What's her name?" Chase asked, scratching Tank behind the ear.

"Tank. Her name is Tank." Sydney knew it was weird name but that's what she was called when she rescued her and Sydney didn't think it was fair to change it when that's what she knew.

"Tank?" Madison questioned, looking at Sydney with a confused face.

"Yeah, don't ask. I don't know why either. She's a rescue dog." Sydney explained, smiling at her dog wagging her tail as she moved on to Madison, who lent down and started stroking her. While Madison made a fuss of Tank, the surfing instructor quickly briefed Sydney on what they'd be doing. When that was done, Sydney took Tank over to Mark, while introducing Mark to everyone and placed her bag in the floor. She stripped into her bikini and picked up a surf board. "Let's do this."

The lesson went fine. Sydney wasn't the biggest fan of the ocean so every time she fell off the board, she did panic a little. At one point she'd fallen off and didn't come up for a while and when she did, Rudy had paddled over on his board to see if she was okay. It was the first time they'd spoken since Sydney arrived and it was a little awkward but Sydney had to remind herself that it couldn't be awkward between them, she needed to make it not awkward. So she knew she needed to talk to him sooner than she had wanted to.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

firstly, thank you for nearly 2k reads already🥺
and i hope you liked the chapter!
next chapter might have some actual proper interaction between sydney and rudy so look out for that!
don't forget to vote and comment!

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