lxii. last few days

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL, SUNNY DAY IN LOS ANGELES AND SYDNEY WAS ENJOYING EVERY SECOND OF IT. The girl was sitting on a bench inside of a dog park that she had taken Tank to, sitting opposite Madelyn, Chase and Drew.

There wasn't any reason why the four had decided to spend the day together, not when they were a week away from flying back out to Charleston to start filming for Season Two of Outer Banks.

Sydney probably would've preferred to spend the day out with her boyfriend, especially now they had gone public. But he'd had plans. Not that Sydney minded, she still enjoyed spending time with her friends. It was more that she had a problem who Rudy was spending the day with.

And she certainly didn't want to talk about it either. But Chase and Drew were rather confused as to why Rudy had not tagged along.

"So where is the boyfriend?" Chase had asked from beside Madelyn. Sydney had been scratching Tank behind the ears as she sat on the bench beside her owner.

"Not here." Sydney replied, continuing to give her attention to the pup beside her.

Chase thought her reply was a little off and was about to question her about it but Madelyn beat him to it. Madelyn had known exactly where Rudy was. "He's with Elaine." The words came out of Madelyn's mouth which caused both Chase and Drew's mouths to drop open in shock.

"Excuse me?" Drew laughed out.

"She's right. He's with Elaine." Sydney finally turned to face her three friends. Drew expected Sydney to laugh and tell them it was a joke but her straight expression told him Madelyn was telling the truth.

"And why the hell is he with Elaine?" Chase questioned, his eyebrows pulled together in the most confused expression Sydney had ever seen. Almost disgusted with asking the question.

And it wasn't as though any of them hated Elaine. Well, except for maybe Sydney, just a little. But they had all seen how Elaine acted around Rudy, clung to him like a bad smell. And Rudy never entertained it, at least not enough for it to be noticed. He was just a friendly guy. But you would've thought once he got a girlfriend, that would stop.

Clearly not.

Sydney let out a small sigh before she spoke again. "He's doing a photoshoot with somebody that Elaine knows so she went with him." She needed to explain before they jumped to conclusions. "I'm not really sure of the details, I wasn't exactly up for knowing them once he said who he was with today." Sydney remembered back to her conversation with Rudy that morning on the phone. The way she felt once he muttered her name. Like he was trying his hardest not to tell Sydney who he was spending the day with. Like he was guilty of something.

"He only told you today?" Chase couldn't understand what was going through Rudy's head to do what he'd done. It was clear to everyone that Sydney didn't trust Elaine.

"Told me when I called him this morning to ask if he was joining me to meet up with you guys." Sydney shrugged her shoulders, she wasn't really sure what else to say. He'd done what he'd done and she couldn't do much about it.

"Oh." Chase didn't know what else to say either. Shocked more than anything.

"Are we witnessing the start of your second first fight?" Drew tried to crack a joke, seeing that Sydney was uncomfortable. She obviously didn't want to talk about Elaine's weird obsession with her boyfriend.

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