Ch. 4: Kutha

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The male's red eyes look towards a red-haired female as he recovered from a blow. Her magic circuits shined on her body, leaving a faint blue glow on her skin. His look latched onto the female's arm, his eyes widening slightly at the cracks on her magic circuits. "Using your magic circuits to give you a power boost when you have no mana left. Mongrel, don't you realise you're damaging them in the process?!"

Jean took in a deep breath, "If me losing my magic means that you won't win, then I'll happily lose it."

Red eyes blinked open, the memory of one of his Servant's fading away as he woke up. "My King, are you alright?" Siduri's soothing voice was heard as she entered the throne room. A small concerned look fell upon her face as she looked at him.

"Yes, Siduri. I do believe that I am slowly realising why she hates me so much," he stood up, and walked behind his throne. He could see three forms standing below him, one of them making the other land hard on his back.

A groan left the black-haired male as he landed flat on his back, his Servant looking towards him with worry. The red-haired female in front of him let out a slightly annoyed sigh as she sent him an unimpressed and irritated look. "Come on," she held her hand out to him. "Honestly, I'm starting to wonder if your worse than Emiya..." she mumbled to herself as she pulled him up on his feet. "Try again," Jean took a couple of steps back from the Master.

Fujimaru held a determined look on his face as he charged towards the female once more. Her blue eyes flickered up to the Ziggurat as she felt the king's stare. Red and blue met for a second as Fujimaru charged towards the female. Jean grabbed onto his wrist as he tried to punch her. Her stare with the king broke as she bent his arm back, his knees buckled beneath him as she kicked at them from behind. After a few seconds, she lets him go. Fujimaru landed face first into the ground before turning to lay on his back. He breathed heavy from the long workout, "When you said that training was going to be hard, I wasn't expecting it to be this hard."

"That's it for today, you should rest up. I heard that Gilgamesh was planning to send you on another mission tomorrow, you'll need your strength.


"Dad! There's someone at the door!"

Aoi's voice echoed throughout the mostly empty house. Her father walked out of the kitchen to the door where his daughter was. She held the door open and the person on the other side made the male frown slightly. His eyes narrowed as he quickly recognised the black and orange uniform of a Chaldean officer. "Aoi, go upstairs to your room, please," he said as he walked closer to the door.

Aoi nodded before heading up the stairs, but she stayed next to the top of the stairway. Her childish curiousity overcoming her as she listened in on the conversation. "What do you want?" Diarmuid asked as he leaned on the door. His hand gripped onto the doorknob, ready to close the door on the officer at anytime.

The officer changed his footing slightly, his gaze casted downwards as he tried his best to avoid the ex-Servant's gaze. "Umm—She—they—Dr. Romani has asked me to check up on you and see how you were doing?"

Diarmuid's grip on the doorknob tightened and his stare turned to a glare. It would be an understatement to say that he was upset. It had been months since Jean's death and they just now question how they were doing? They hadn't done anything when she had died, simply sending her body in a casket and with a single rose. "We're fine," he stated before going to close the door.

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