Rias Gremory, the Devil president of the Occult Research Club, has a dream to have a servant like no other. And what if the person she has her sights on is just what she's after...what if it's because he's not of this world. Can Devils, Fallen Angel...
Just as I'm thinking on what to do next I see Rias' familiar give Isabella a flyer.
She's kinda cute.
As she left Isabella is approached by a girl.
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She's definitely Ika's type.
Better follow them.
I learned that the Fallen Angel's name is Yuuma.
The two of them had a fairly ok date.
They went out for food, had a look at the shops.
Isabella definitely had fun.
She even got Yuuma a gift.
As the sun started to set the two of them went to the park.
At first they held hands for a few seconds before Yuuma walked to the fountain and turned to Isabella.
"Can I ask you a question?" Yuuma asked.
She moved closer.
"In honor of our first date.." She said.
She got closer.
"There's something I'd like you to do...." She said.
She got even closer.
"To commemorate this special moment" She said.
I could tell what Isabella was thinking.
"I'm going to get to kiss her. I'm totally going to kiss her. This rocks" Isabella thought.
"Sure, you can ask me for anything at all" Isabella said.
You've just sealed your fate.
Yuuma gave an evil smirk.
"Would you die for me" She said.
Isabella was confused.
"What'd you say? Sorry something must be wrong with my ears. I don't think I heard you correctly, could you maybe say that one more time pls" Isabella asked.
Yuuma then went to Isabella's ear.
"I want you to die for me" She said.
As Yuuma started to transform into her true self Isabella stood there in shock.
Once Yuuma finished with the transformation Isabella went flat on her ass.
"Well I have to admit I did have some fun today. Considering how naïve and childish you are things could have been much much worse. Thanks a lot for the gift, very sweet. Well even so" Yuuma said.
She created a light spear, it was red in color.
She aimed it at Isabella.
I wanted to intervene but I couldn't sadly.
Dammit dammit dammit.
"Yuuma wait" Isabella exclaimed.
"It's time to die" Yuuma said.
She threw the light spear and it pierced Isabella's stomach.
As Isabella tried to grab it the lightspear disappeared, spilling blood all over the floor.
"I'm sorry, but the fact is you were far too great a risk to us. I had no choice but to dispose of you. If you're looking for someone to blame, blame him he gave you the Sacred Gear" Yuuma said.
Isabella just fell to the ground.
"Oh thanks again for the lovely date. It was fun" Yuuma said as she flew away.
Once she was gone I turned to Isabella.
Poor girl, she must be so scared.
I read her thoughts.
"What a bitch. Am I really about to die like this? Alone and pathetic? And a giant virgin? If you were going to kill me couldn't you do it whilst I'm in Y/n's arms? Oh Yuuma" She thought.
She held her bloody hand up.
"Red, the same color of the inside of Y/n's coat. Darker than any red I've ever seen. Just like the color running down my hand. A beautiful black and red coat that he once used to shelter me and keep me warm from the rain" She thought.
I remember that day.
It was raining and she was all alone, I didn't want her to get wet so I let her under my coat to stay dry whilst I walked her home.
Her parents thought I was her boyfriend and were very happy to see me being nice to their pervert of a daughter.
I quite often think about her much I smiled at my act...how I made her smile.
The color of the blood must've reminded her of the red on the inside of my coat.
Her last thoughts are of me?
"Wait why the crap am I talking like this? I'm about to freaking die! It's over, damn! I can't even move anymore. Dying whilst imagining me trying to hold the man of my dreams close. What a stupid way for someone to die" She thought.
Screw it!
I walked over to her and held her close.
With what little strength she had left she turned to look at me.
I held her close.
"It's him. The man of my dreams. The same man who sheltered me when my friends wouldn't. The man who laughed with me and protected me. His muscular silhouette was surrounded by the beautiful red in his coat. The only one I can think of and he's here, with his coat, and his signature smile. If he's going to be the last thing I see then can I atleast see his smile again" She thought.
I grabbed her hand and held it to my cheek.
With what little life was in her it seemed to spark some happiness.
I gave her my signature smile as a 'last act'.
Tears came out of her eyes as her life started to fade away.
I reached into her pocket and pulled out the flyer.
With it I summoned Rias
Once she appeared she turned to Isabella.
"I have come. I have been summoned for you. Since death is upon you I will gladly take you in" Rias said.
She pulled out her wings.
"From this moment forward, you will live your life for my sake" Rias said.
As the pieces went inside Isabella I decided to make one last promise to Isabella.
Isabella, I promise when you return I'll protect you, you have my word.