Meeting him

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Camilo is still 15 and Zaki is 2 years older so he's 17

Zaki pov
As I got out of my car in some small town I looked around there didn't seem to be anyone around I grunted and got back in my car I clearly was in a bad side of town once I saw a parking place I pulled in and saw a small B and B not really my thing but it's late plus I have business here it better not take long this place looks shit I said as I walked up to the door and knocked
The door opened and a man smiled at me
Hi sir am I was wondering if I could use a room for a few days I asked the man smiled opening the door wider
Come on in we have a good few rooms so am how long do u think you'll be here he asked me as I ran my hands true my bllack hair spiked up with red at the tips it wasn't spiky but it was snarp people say
Ah about a month or soo I said
Ah how nice u here for pressure or business he asked
A bit of both actually I said as he handed me a key
Well then please enjoy yourself although who e wouldn't with the madrigal up the street he said I gave a questioning look
Wait your not here to talk with them he asked me and I shock my head
Oh well am They have gifts like powers if u will there hole family helps the village in so many different ways julieta can help you with a meal pepa controls the wedder with her mood Bruno can see in to the future dorlores can hear everything antiony just got his gift a few weeks ago he can talk to animals and mirable didn't get a gift oh wait I forgot Camilo he can shapshift the old man said
Cool I said hands in my black  jacket now
Ya he's so sweet and he loves making people smile also ahaha your name sir he siad
Zaki I said as he smiled leading me to my room
Sleep well he said closing the door I walked over to the window and looked up at a house bright and big I shock my head and lid down

Camilo pov
I was making sure that eveyone was inside cause tonight is my night to lock the place down not that anything would happen but still ya know once I was sure everything was locked I headed to my room in side I saw my sowing machine and fabrics everywhere a long with a manic I like to make dressed tops jackets and other stuff sents im a shapeshifter close matter a lot I began to pick up fabric peaces and needles 🪡 and treds and putting them away then I noticed my paints and art supplies still out and I signed and began to pick everything up and put them away once that was done I got ready for bed and lid down closing my eyes

Time skip

Camiloooooooooo!!! I Hurd mirabel shot as she kicked my door in with a big grin and closed the door again and ran to me as I sat up in bed rubbing my eyes I yawned
It's to early I said laying back down again
There's a new comer she said pulling the covers off me
And I should care because I siad to her glaring as she put my blacker down on the other side of the room
Because he's cute and around are age  and dreamy looking she said
You've already seen him haven't u I said
Uhuh he's totally my type she said and I rolled my eyes mirable knows I'm as gay as they come so she use it to her advantage to talk about boys witch I don't mind much cause I enjoy it my self all thought no one else in the family knows her Dolores probably does but she know everything with those ears of hers I sat up out of bed and grabbed an over size hoddie pulling it on mirabel sat on my bed as I walked into my bathroom brushing my teeth and hair I went out got my normal clothes and headed back into the bathroom
I'm gonna shower be out in a bit I said closing the door she hummed in response as I closed the door I got in and let the warm water relax me

Zaki pov
I had got up and ready for the day I wanted to have a look around before I have to get started at work hopefully this guy will come quietly then again who knows I walked alone the street which where full of people working hard the food smelled amazing I saw a woman in a blue dress feeding people who looked sick or injuries and there injuries healing right away that must be juleita I walk over and watch how it work once she saw me she smiled and turned to me once eveyone was done
Hello dear are u new she asked me putting a plate down
Yes I am actually just arrived last night I said
Ah well please enjoy yourself here she said
I will but am I've only Hurd of your magic once well last night actually could u maybe explain it to me I asked and she sat down patting a seat next to her I sat and she began to tell me all about it
Well then what about u what's your story she asked
Am well that's a long long story I said with a small smile
I have time dear if u want to talk about anything your not that much older then my daughter you look 17-18 maybe she said
I'm 17 and how old is your daughter I asked
15 you two would be cute together she said
Ah I'm not really into girls I said rubbing the back of my neck she flushed and put a hand to her mouth
I'm so sorry dear I shouldn't have a summoned she said as she looked away I chuckled
It's alright how would u have known I said and she smiled
Well we do have a 15 year old boy in the family my nefew she said and I flushed
I'm not really looking for anything at the moment just need to get my job done and head on home I said home evey sadly and she picked up on it
Dear is everything okay at home she asked
And I tensed
I take that as a no she said
Well then your are always welcome here okay she said getting up as she Hurd her name being called out for by a villager
I must go now but feel free to call up to the house the big one at the top of the village if u want to talk she said and ran off
I smiled she had such a motherly vibe to her and a cheerful voice I got up and walked along again not taking notice of much 

3rd pov
Zaki looked up just as some one who barley made it to his shoulder slipped into his chest one had held the persons waist while the other the shoulder the person froze and slowly looked up the brown curly hair and  brown eyes met blue  then red and black hair blew  as the two made eye contact Camilo flushed red and quickly pushed Zaki away and looking evey where but him and bitting his lip Zaki found it cute
Hi shorty He said the guys didn't seem to like that and crossed his arms
I'm not short he said
Mmmm Zaki said measuring them which camilo replied with turning into him
He turned back and put his hand out nervously
C-Camilo madrigal he said Zaki took his hand with a smile reassuring him
Zaki green He said he relaxed and let go
So your one of the famous madrigals He said he nodded slightly embarrassed
I just met your aunt she told me about how ye got the gift and everything it was rather an amazing tail He said and he nodded
Ya hahaha we are extremely lucky he siad

Zaki pov
I'll see you around I said walking past him and I glanced back he just kinda stood there glancing back over his shoulder at me
I signed stopping he jumped and pretended to wave at some one I chuckled and siad
Are u gonna come show me around or am
I gonna have to asked oh wait I just did I said as he turned with a big idiotic grin on his freckly face he walked up and smiled at me
Sooo where do u want to go first he asked me
Mmm where do u recommend I said as we walked down and he showed me to some spot near a river once there it was full of flowers and a tree right in the middle with trees around it leaves covered the sky but u could just about see the blue bird could be Hurd and flower peatls fell he sat down and I sat next to him
Soo he siad looking at me
Soo? I said looking back at him
What's your story what are u doing here he asked I shrugged
Ehhhh he said crossing his arms
What I said looking at him
Your lying he said furrowing his eye brows
Tch how would u know we only just met I said I looked at him out of the corner of my eye he seemed hurt his eye dimed from that bright beautiful shine they once had as he pushed him self up to stand
Ya your right sorry he said about to leave I grabbed his wrist as he walked past he looked down at me and I could see the worry in his eye we only just met why is he worried
I signed
My sisters twins there only 10 they went missing 4 years a go I said letting his arm go he turned to me In surprise kneeled next to me
I'm im so sorry I shouldn't have -i cut him off
Your fine it was not that bad having someone worry i said and he smiled
But why are u here he asked me
I've been trying to find them and it  lead me here there names are  kenna and kemma I said
I hope your find them Camilo said placing a hand on Zakis
Zaki turned his hand over holding Camilos in his
Thank u I said
CAMILO!!!!! A female voice yelled
Ah that's my mom gotta go he said standing up and running off
Hey am meet tomorrow he said to me
Sure when I said
Ah lunch he said and ran again I shock my head laughing

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