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Zaki pov
After Camilo had left I began to look around the village for any place that could be sus if u will before I new it it was 11 at night scary how fast time moves when voyeur busy I headed back to the B and B. Shortly after that

Camilo pov
Casita opened the door for me and let me in I went to my. Mom it was her who had yelled for me
Mami are u okay I asked noticing the cloud about her head she smiled at me then shock her head she then said Dolores get Antonio and then they came down I looked them they seemed as confused as I was
I have news she said as the cloud came again
Mmm I said
But your father doesn't know yet she said as the cloud began drizzle
Mami it's okay tell us what it is antonio said
Ya we won't tell dad Dolores said then Mami took a deep breath
I'm pregnant she said with a smile me and Dolores where shocked and I picked up Antonio and we ran and hugged her
Congratulations we all yelled
You mean I get to be a big brother Antonio said looking up at Mami and her eye filled with tears as she bent down
Yes she said
Mami when did u find out I asked
Just today actually Julieta found out you know those headaches I've beening having welll she said placing her hands across her stomach
I'm so happy Mami another baby to have a loving mother like u I said and Mami hugged me Dolores was crying with joy Mami hugged us all and said
Now how are we gonna tell your father she said giggleing as she held us all close

Time skip

Zaki pov
I got up the next day and headed out I decided to go take julieta up on her offer of coming to the house plus I know some ones there and I really want to see them

Camilo pov
Once Mami had told us we began to set stuff to surprise the hole family with pink and blue bloons mom had the pregnanty test in one of the bloons which dad would have to pop one by one to find as the last of the bloons was up there was a knock at the door Mami looked down at me and shouted
Get it would ya honestly don't just stand there she said I signed and opened it once I did my eyes wided
Ah wha I am I stuttered out he laughed at me and I scuffed Crossing my arms
Awww don't be mad it's not my fault your nervous he said smirking down at me I glanced to the ground as my face heated up I don't get why this has never happened before my stomach feels all funny am I getting sick
Well can I come in orrrrr he said hands still in his pockets I Hurd someone run down the stairs
Camilo who's at the door Mami asked
Ah Mami this this is am welll I couldn't say it I don't get why
Zaki green he said holding his hand out to my mother why couldn't I just say it like come on I'm never like this
It's nice to meet u dear are u new around here she asked
Ah yes I am I'm actually here looking for someone he said
Ah who dear my Mami asked
Well someone was ment to meet me for lunch but never showed he asked my eye wided as I looked at my watch my cheeks felt hot
Oh are u here for one of the girls how nice mirabel is if oh silly it must be her Mami said
Ah actually no he said as he indicated to me my mamis eye wided
Ohh oh I'm sorry about that she said
It's fine he said he would introduce me to the people and I guess he must have forgot he said he lied for me I looked up at him wide eyed he nodded to me and I smiled Mami looked at me with a loook I shock my head trying to tell her it's not like that
Well then have fun she said
Thx mom I said kissing her check
Dolores take care of mom I said as I went out the door

Pepa pov
Once I saw that boy at the door the way Camilo seemed to tense and the pink on his cheeks I new that boy was here for him I know Camilo is gay I've know for a while I mean I am
His mother after all and so does felix I mean we're his parents and we fully accept him and I guess I was kinda rude for me to think he was here for mirabel but Camilo never talk about this Zaki green guy and green why do I feel like I've Hurd that sir name before oh well as long as Camilo has a friend and is happy that's all that matters I watched them walk down the hill and how much shorter my son was to the other boy we dame my sons a bott-

Camilo pov
As we walked down I loooked at Zaki
If ya keep looking at me like that I'll hit you Zaki said
You wouldn't dare I said as he flicked my forehead
Ouch I said rubbing my head
I said I would he said smuggly I rolled my eyes
Now shale I show u around sents thats what I'm supposed to be doing I said as he shrugged
Maybe I could help u with trying to see if your sisters are here he tensed at that and looked at me out of the corner of his eye
No! He said I flinched
Wha why not I mean he cut me off
It's so dangerous he said
Bu-once again he cut me off
Did u hear me it's to dangerous he said his voice deep and rough I flinched again this time it was more noticeable and he picked up on it
You okay he asked me and I nodded to scared to speak we just met why does it matter to me if he's safe
Look it' doesn't concern you okay he said now that on stinan I stopped walking and looked at him with soft eyes
It does -if it - i I mean this is my home my encanto I can't let something happen to it cause of u I said out and he just smirked
Ehsttch he said walking a head
I still walked with him tho
The silence hurt tho
Soon The street we where on was empty none of the streets normally are at this time I looked around then I Hurd a loud car sound maybe a bick then one came flying around the corner I saw a gun in the guys hand and Zaki grabbed my arm pulling me to him pulling something out of his pocket and firing it up into the air just as shot where fired at us he cover me with his body and held me as we where suddenly pulled up and flew above stopping on a roof he looked down at the person down there as they ran into the building they where at  Zaki grunted and took something out of his pocket it turned into a bow and he had five arrows with him
Dame it my stuffs at my room fuck he said kicking a stone
Zaki-I said rubbing my arms up and down he looked at me wide eye wait did he forget I'm here
Shit he said ran over to me just as the door was kicked in more shots where fired as he grabbed me and fell over we rolled over he picked me up and placed me behide a wall
Stay here I'll come back for you he said I grabbed his arm
No what are u he cut me off
Trust me he said smiling softly at me I let him go I glanced out form the wall watching him  fight the other guy the other guy was down and I don't even know how he picked him up by his neck and held him above the building on the edge his bow was dropped to the ground my eyes wided and flinched
Z-Zaki I stuttered out the guys helmet was broken so I could see his eyes they looked scared helpless I ran over despite being told to stay I grabbed the arm that was holding the man
Stop don't do this please I said
Camilo stay out of this Zaki sis pushing me and I fell down I glared up at him and stood up this time I went under his arm and on to the edge so I was eye level with him the guy he was holding behide my back
I don't give a dame what this guy did but that doesn't mean u have the right to kill um I said as my eye sharpened he wouldn't make eye contact with me I slapped him and he looked at me finally
Put him on the ground safly I said and he didn't move
Now I said he finally did as told but before doing so putting a hand around my back and placing me down safly too
He picked up his bow and walked over to the door
I told u this was to dangerous for u he said I followed
To dangerous ya I see that but it's to dangerous for u to look at your face and arm coverd in cuts you have to let me get u so food from my aunt and u need to explain why a gun fight just happened this place has always being peace full I said ans I ran into the back on him he didn't turn
Hey are you -he cut me off
You really want to know so you he said turning around fast I stepped back
I -I -I he jumped in
Fine this guy is part of a gang that turned my family agents each other he was sent here to kill me he's part of the reason my old man killed my mom and tired to kill me he's the reason my father killed him self and solet my sisters off they where sold not kidnapped and so was I to a lab to be turned into some super human so yes yes please tell me to not kill someone innocent but once I see one of these mother fuckers I will make all hell ran down I froze I I he was about to leave when I ran up and hugged him form behide
Shhhh I said I had noticed the tears falling from his eyes he turned to me I reached up rubbing the tears away
Your not alone I said

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