Leaving the family

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Zaki pov
As I jumped of after Camilo he had tears in his eyes and they fellow up at me his hair blew up he look so beautiful as I got closer and the ground too I held him to my chest and said
Don't let go I said and he nodded I shot an arrow up into the hill and we stopped mid fall his arms around my neck on of mine around his waste the other holding the bow as we slowly slid down his legs hanging next to mine skin agents skin and I looked into his eyes the brown like chocolate once are Legs landed on the ground I wiped his tears and kissed his ....
.................................................................................forehead gently rubbing my hands true his hair nothing could roon this moment nothing he lent into my touch when I put my hand on his cheek his hand went on mine he had a smile on and we never broke eye contact
We better head back I said
Ya camilo agreed and we headed back

Time skip
Once me and Camilo where on my bike his arms around my stomach I held his hands
I've got you I said and we took off

Camilo pov
I've got you Zaki said my face felt like it was on fire I lent my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes I smiled it felt so right and the bike took off

Dolores pov
Me and Mami where cleaning up the glass on the ground while eveyone else was helping around the town the man who had taking Camilo had gone in such a hurry that windows had broken because of it as eveyone slowly made there way home auntie lent agents the front door
Isa mira Luisa she called and the three came she hugged them all kissing there for heads Mami hugged me and antoinio tight to and I suddenly jumped up form the spot we sat
Dolores dad said
There hear I said running to the door to see the bike pulling up and Zaki lifting Camilo of the bike and on to the ground once he saw me he was about to run but stopped and true him self into zakis Arms hugging him arms around his neck he was in shock but hugged him back arms around his waste I smiled and elbowed mirabel who was now next to me
Camilo mom yelled and ran out Camilo pulled away form Zaki just as Mami reached him hugging him and checking for injuries kissing his face all over holding him tight in his arms
Are you hurt Mami asked
Does anything hurt she asked again
Julieta ! She yelled only to be stopped by Camilo hugging her again.
Im alright he said pulling away form Mami and looked at Zaki who was about to get back on his bike I watched as camilos eyebrows furrowed and he grabbed zakis arm
No he said 
No what Zaki said
Your not leave Camilo said
I think it's best if I -Camilo cut him off
With his hand on his hips one eye brows furrowed and Zaki sweat drop
I won't hear it your not leaving he said
Fine Zaki said after he seemed he wouldn't get away camilo smiled and pulled him with the rest of us inside
Auntie he said as he reached julieta
Can u make something small for him he asked
Ofc dear I mean he saved my little nephew she said kissing Camilos check messing up his hair
Auntie ! He said as he pulled away
Eheheh she giggled
Now Zaki tell me are you hungry dear she said and before he could answer julieta answered for him
Ofc u are I mean she said pulling him by the arm into the kitchen I looked at Camilo he was smiling and cheeks pink I walked over and smiled at him big
What's up with you he asked
Oh nothing what's up with you and mister superhero over there I said
What nothing he said shaking his head and hands everywhere I wink at him and put my arm around his shoulder whispering in his ear
You got a good one I said and pulled away leaving my strawberry faced brother there

Camilo pov
Once Dolores left me I head to where Zaki and julieta where when I knocked on the door julieta said to come in and when I walked in it was if as it was slow momo he was shirtless I couldn't look away and he put on a shirt and walked over waving a hand in front of my face
You alright he asked
Y-ya why wouldn't I be I said looking everywhere but him
Well then let's head down I believe abulea wants a family meeting julieta said and headed out I stepped a side for her and Zaki to walk out I grabbed his arm and he looked at me
You sure your alright I asked him he smiled and messed up my hair
I'm fine don't worry he said and headed away I watch him go and followed with him
Ah Zaki dear I want u to tell me what's this all about if you being here is a danger please let us know or else we will have to kick u out of the village ablela said we where all sitting at the table and I got up
We can't just ! -Zaki put his hand on mine and shock his head I sat down again arms a crossed
Ah you see I long time ago my little sister where sold off to a man and I believe he's somewhere here but I've looked all over and nothing so I'm gonna be heading home soon he said my eyes wided and looked at him he wasn't looking at me why does it hurt knowing he's leaving
But I'd like to take one of ye with me your gifts would be handy he said he was holding my hand tight
Ah which one would u like to take that is if it's okay with there parents abuela said
Camilo he said I looked at him
What! Mami yelled 
No way in hell dad said both on there feet
Mami papa relax please I said dad got up and slammed his hand on the table Mami had a cloud full of thunder and lighten
Go to your room and stay there my dad yelled
Fine ! I said and got up and ran to my room
Camilo - I Hurd Zaki yelled

Felix pov
Are you kidding my you want to take are son away into danger when u just saved him I said
I wouldn't be asking if I didn't think it was worth it Zaki said
No you just want to have a little fun like maybe something intimate with my son and then you'll forget about him but guess what buddy I can see right true you you have cause trouble for this village and I don't want u any where near my son ever again I said
Sir with all do respect you can't stop me from talking to Camilo he said to me in a calm tone leaning back in his chair like I had barley scared him with a smug face
I suggest you show some respect I said
I have done nothing but show respect for both you your family and your son of course he said leaning forward arms folded on the table

Camilo pov
When I got up stairs I grabbed a bad and true random clothes in it I don't even know why I'm doing this I've know this guy for what 5 minutes and I'm ready to leave my family for him I don't know why but I feel like I need to like something is tell me to go i grabbed my neckless with the same stuff in it as my room changes colour for feelings I grabbed a picture of my parents sister brother and another one with the hole family I smiled sadly but for some reason I need to do this I slid my bad under my bed making sure it couldn't be seen and I lid down in bed

Pepa pov
Zaki your asking for are son to move away form us we don't even know you I said
I understand Zaki said standing up
I'll be leaving tonight and you will never hear from me again he said
But May I say good bye to Camilo first he asked
No now get out felix said
As your wish Zaki said stepping out of casita
I signed standing up
I'm gonna go see how Camilo is doing i  said and headed up to my baby's room I knocked no answer and I went in anyways and saw him under the blacket I saw his tear stayed face and I felt bad but he is safer here with me I can protect him here I ran my ran true his hair and kissed his head
I'm sorry sweet hearth but I only did that to keep your safe I said and left

Time skip
Camilo pov
I grabbed my bag and slowly climed out my window and down to the ground I ran true the empty streets and to the very edge of Town where the air port was when I saw Zaki about to get on a plan I screamed for him
Zaki ! I said running he stopped and walked down to me
Take me with you I said
What no your parents Said I cut him off
I don't give a dame I want to go with you I said
He smiled and led me on to the plan sorry mami papa I whispered as I had my hand agents the window of the plan looking out at my home

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