Born on November 9 2020 as part of India family that run A jewelry store Called Rosebloom Jewlery . Gowri Swaraj had alway struggled to find her identity As a kid Back then she was boy but she like girly goth thing so basically she transgender female.
She love jewelry especially the goth kind unfortunately her mom didn't like it and want her to be as girly just like her older sisterIt was supposed to be a normal day June 17 2038 Gowri was supposed to have amazing first day of school at roseheart high Hoping to find new friends When suddenly she smell something and then Fell unconscious .
She theb find herself in A mysterious garden museum with 15 other . Knowing what will happen to those who participate in a killing game she must SURRVIED along side with her possibly new friends.
Hope you enjoyed this new oc.