Chapter 3

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Clarissa left with her mate the next day. I watched from the trees as she and the wolf blood left on a cargo ship. I nodded a goodbye when she saw me.

On the walk back to the town I realized how strange I looked. A frayed, dirty, was-once-white dress with a ripped lace top. An extremely frizzy updo that probably made me look like I just braided short hair. Anger in my eyes that was borderline insanity. All this was walking in the middle of a forest, on no particular path.

I continued on, not caring when my socks snagged on the brush. A small fog gathered at my ankles as the sky grayed. It would rain soon.

No more then an hour later, it was pouring. I kept to my path as all I had was soaked through. I reached the town before wondering where I was.

I found a small shop that was open. I meekly slipped through the door and cringed when the bell rang. The old man behind the counter quickly glanced up.

"Hello miss, can I help you?" He has a strong European accent, I'm just not sure from where.

"Um, yes, actually." I glanced down at my fidgeting hands. "Would you mind telling me where I am?"

"Why you're in Ariedale miss." I nodded.

"Well, could you be a little more vague?"

"How vague would you like miss?" I took a moment to look him in the eyes, realizing the anger once in mine was gone. The bell went off behind me, but I didn't turn.

"Country please."

"That would be Ireland lassie," the person behind me stated. I whipped around to see a teenage boy, who obviously had a few years on me.

"Ireland," I stated in disbelief. "Well that's nice."

"But not as nice as you," the boy shot back. I held in a growl by smirking and walked out of the small boutique.

"Subtle," the older man said sarcastically. I was listening as I walked away.

"Ey, she wants me."

"Keep dreaming lad." I rolled my eyes before turning into an alleyway. I sat on a crate and waited for the rain to stop.

I fell asleep while the rain was lightening. My dress was uncomfortable, but I haven't slept in weeks. It was a dreamless sleep, but a refreshing one.

My shoulder was pushed back. Then again, and again.

"Is she dead?" a girl voice asked.

"How should I know?" It was a guy. They both had Irish accents. "Wait! She's breathing." My shoulder was grabbed and shaken.

"Oy! Wake up!" My shoulder was shaken more violently. My eyes fluttered open to a woman and a teenage boy, but not the one from the boutique.

"What are you doing in the alleyway silly?" The woman asked. I shifted my position on the crate, ready to run. "Whoa whoa, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. It's okay, we won't hurt you." I took a deep breath, the boy is a wolf blood, not the girl.

"Oh my god," I mumbled.

"What, what's wrong, what is it?" My eyes were fixated on the boy. I shook my head.

"N-nothing. Do you have any food?" The lady looked into her purse.

"I have some money. I'll be right back, okay?" I nodded. "Damian, stay with her." Damian nodded. The lady stood up and walked off. I hardened my expression and growled at Damian. His eyebrow furrowed before taking in my scent.

"You're no wolf blood."

"Hell no. I'd never want to be a wolf blood in a million years," I snarled at him.

"Then what the hell are you?"

"Your worst nightmare." I lunged at him, pinning him on the side of a building. I barred my teeth. "Let me make one thing clear, you, do, not, defy, me." I quickly arranged myself on the crate as the lady walked back in with a paper bag.

"Mrs. Voll, she, she.." I gave Damian a look when Mrs. Voll turned back, that made him shut up.

"She what sweetie?"

"Nothing, she just is, um, she seems a little sick." Mrs. Voll quickly looked me over. She put her hand on my forehead and cheeks.

"She feels fine. Here, have some food." She handed me the bag. I took out a thing of fries. That's all that was in the bag. "I don't know what kind of food you like." I just gave a quick smile before devouring the entire thing in a matter of minutes.

"Thank you." I looked up at the sky, tonight is a full moon. "I should get going." I stood and started away from the two when Mrs. Voll grabbed my arm.

"Nonsense, you'll come with us." I looked to Damian in a panic. He quickly understood.

"Mrs. Voll, I'll take her back to my place. There's a lot more people her own age, she may be more comfortable." Mrs. Voll nodded.

"Of course, just, make sure she's safe."

"Yes ma'am." Damian then walked me down a road. "I live in a pack house. I hope you don't mind." I stopped when the square was out of sight.

"This is where I leave. Don't expect me tomorrow. Goodbye." I ran into the forest. I weaved through trees until the moon rose.

I scaled a tree as my jaguar form emerged. A growl escaped my jaws as my tail whipped. The pads of my paws barely hit the forest floor before I was running in between trees, vaulting over fallen trunks, not even minding the puddles.

In minutes I was at the edge of a river. I waded in with pride, basking in the cool current. My sore paws felt better immediately. I hid myself in a cave before falling asleep for the night.



The picture is Avalon's outfit. Just, the skirt of the dress is ripped off halfway down the thigh, and everything has dirt on it and is messier.

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