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Coffee Shop

Emily : Just an iced caramel macchiato please.
Gabriel : Emily...?

I turned around once I heard my name and-

Emily : Gabriel...?
Gabriel : You're back!
Emily : Yeah I got here yesterday.
Gabriel : It's good to see you!
Emily : You too! So what you been up to?
Gabriel : I work for the police.
Emily : Oh I'm happy for you! I knew you'd get there.
Gabriel : What about you?
Emily : The US was fun and all but I missed my country.
Gabriel : Cool! What are you gonna do now?
Emily : I don't know I guess look for another job.
Gabriel : Try the coffee shop? Remember the one you use to work at?
Emily : The one where we met?
Gabriel : Also the one where I fell in love with you...
Emily : -smile-
Gabriel : Anyway I have a case to get to.
Emily : Oh anything interesting?
Gabriel : Hunting assassins so be careful!
Emily : Haha right...
Gabriel : Maybe we can catch up?
Emily : Sure!
Gabriel : I believe you changed your number.
Emily : Right! I'll text it to you.
Gabriel : I'll call you
Emily : I'll be expecting your call.

You see when you're in the mafia you have to lie a lot. You never know what they really want to know. Plus I have to hide my real identity.

To him, I'm Emily Carillo. I have no parents, no siblings, and I live alone.
Now this isn't all a lie but that's what you'll find if you try a background check on me.

Emilio hid me well. He has all of us hidden well. We each have a different name and story background story.

When Gabe and I were dating, I got my own apartment as back up. I still have it. I also use to work at a coffee shop.

She's back....
My Princesa is back....
Truth is, I still love her very much.
It's impossible to forget those beautiful two years spent together. She had left to visit her sick aunt in Los Angeles but I'm glad she's back...

De Leon Mansion

De Leon Mansion

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Emily : Oh lord! Santiago : What's up?Emily : I just talked to him

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Emily : Oh lord!
Santiago : What's up?
Emily : I just talked to him...
Santiago : Did he say anything interesting?
Emily : He's hunting assassins apparently.
Santiago : Well you did kill someone last night.
Emily : Yeah and?
Santiago : What if he's after The Lioness?
Emily : He won't find anything on me.
Santiago : The good thing is you're back in contact. Just be careful Em.
Emily : Yeah I know how to clear my tracks.
Santiago : No I mean be careful with your heart. You know love is a weakness. In this life fairytales and happy endings don't exist.
Emily : You're wrong! Love isn't a weakness. Emilio and Alessia are happily married and they're anything but weak!
Santiago : That's different
Emily : How so?
Santiago : Because neither of them are involved with the police.
Emily : ....
Santiago : Good luck -walks away-

Just because I'm in a cartel doesn't mean I don't believe in love. I do believe in love because I've been in love before. I am in love! I do believe I'll have my happy ending one day...

My brother is a different case.
He doesn't believe in love. He defines love as a weakness. He has never fallen in love before. He doesn't take women seriously. I'm sure he'll find a woman who he'll go crazy for. I don't know who or when but that day will come.

Santiago : Oh Emily! I forgot to tell you. Go to our areas with out guy and pick up the money from the street merchandise.
Emily : Okay...

Police Department

Juan : What's got you so happy?
Gabriel : I saw Emily!
Juan : She's back?
Gabriel : Yeah
Juan : Damn no wonder you're in such a good mood. So what happened? Did you two talk?
Gabriel : Yeah I just got her number. Dude I'm so happy! I still love her...
Juan : Hm..... Anyway "The Lioness" case.
Gabriel : Unfortunately the cameras caught nothing and no one saw or heard anything.
Juan : Again, we have no proof.
Gabriel : Exactly! For now we have to focus on the Sinaloa Cartel. That's our main priority.
Juan : I heard they're having a war with Los Diablos from Culiacan.
Gabriel : You look into Los Diablos and I'll stick to the Sinaloa. We'll pass on each other's information to see what we can do.
Juan : Sounds Good!
Commander : What do you have? Any hints from the crime scene?
Gabriel : Not really.....she killed him with a gun. That's all we have have.
Juan : The cameras didn't catch anything.
Commander : Do you have a plan regarding The Sinaloa Cartel Gabriel?
Gabriel : Not yet..
Commander : Keep looking! -walks away-
Juan : What plan?
Gabriel : He wants me to get close to Santiago De Leon or someone close to him. I tried investigating him but nothing comes up.
Juan : I know he has a sister but I don't know her name or what she looks like.
Gabriel : It's extremely hard to get close to them...


We have people who sell our drugs on the streets. Every month, our collector picks up the money from every shop or place where our drug is sold at.

My job is to count the money and make sure the amount is correct. I stay in the car and wait for our collector. If money is missing, he goes back in and asks our people for the rest of the money. If it's not completely, they get killed. Simple!

This is how things work in the business. Either you pay the full amount or you die. They are warned from day one.


Collector : Here's the money.
Emily : Let's see...

He handed me the money and I low key counted it making sure no one was was watching.

Emily : It's all in. We can go.
Collector : Yes miss!


Emily : What the fuck!!

All of a sudden our car was being blasted with bullets. Our car is bullet proof but I duck anyway. The car behind us is filled with guards for cases like these. They fought back while I laid low.

-phone call-

Santiago : The fuck is that?
Emily : A shooting! Los Diablos are shooting our car! We're outside the little smoke shop in the center.
Santiago : I'm on my way. -ends call-

Police Department

Commander : There's a shooting between cartels in a smoke shop in the center! Go!! Now!!
Juan : Yes boss!

Luckily Santiago didn't take long to arrive. He came with a bunch of guards. Enough to kill the rivals. We managed to catch one guy. Hopefully we can get information out of him.

To be continued.....

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