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He's not going to kill me.
He needs me alive! He wants to know my real identity.

Sorry baby but not today....

With all the pain in my heart, I punched him in the face with my elbow. I tried to run away but he pulled the trigger of his gun trying to shoot me.

He missed.

I turned around avoiding eye contact and shot him in his thigh preventing him to run after me. He fell to the ground and I ran.


Emily : Let's go!
Santiago : Why-
Emily : Gabriel is after me! Let's go!! Now!!
Santiago : Guards!

While Santiago gathered his men, I went straight to the car hoping they come out fast!

-phone call-

Juan : How did it go?!
Gabriel : I just sent you some pictures and videos. The woman in the red dress is The Lioness! She's involved with Santiago De Leon and The Sinaloa Cartel.
Juan : Alright I'll look into that.
Gabriel : I'll call you tomorrow. -ends call-


Santiago : What happened?!
Emily : He saw everything!
Santiago : Did he see your face?
Emily : No I made sure not to show him my face. He doesn't know it's me.
Santiago : Does he know you're The Lioness?
Emily : I don't know what he knows!
Santiago : Figure it out Em! You can't risk him knowing everything!
Emily : Yeah I'll get on that. Drop me off at my apartment please...
Chauffeur : Yes miss!

My chest is hurting and my heart is racing. I need to know if he's okay.
I feel bad but I had to do it...

Once I got to my apartment, I got out of my dress and washed off my make up. I need to put on my sleepwear in case Gabriel ends up coming over.

I need to know if he's okay though..

-phone call-

Gabriel : Princesa
Emily : Hey! I'm sorry I know you're busy...
Gabriel : No not anymore. Did something happen amor?
Emily : I can't sleep......do you want to come over or can I go to you?
Gabriel : Can I go to you? A lot happened tonight. I want to see you. You're the only one who makes me feel better...
Emily : You're worrying me. Are you okay mi amor?
Gabriel : I'll tell you in a bit. I'm a few minutes away.
Emily : Okay I'll see you in a few then. -ends call-

Juan's Apartment

I looked through all the footage Gabriel sent me. I don't know but she looks too familiar. She looks just like Emily. Unfortunately her face isn't visible. It's hard to tell...

Emily's Apartment

Emily's Apartment

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Emily : -opens door- Gabriel! Oh my god come in!

I helped Gabriel walk in and sat him down on the couch.

Emily : What happened to your thigh? You're bleeding...
Gabriel : An assassin shot me.
Emily : Assassin? What are you talking about?
Gabriel : The Lioness......I sent her a trap so I could capture her true identity.
Emily : Did you?
Gabriel : No she didn't show her face to me.
Emily : ....
Gabriel : I do know she's linked to Santiago de Leon and The Sinaloa cartel though.
Emily : What makes you think that?
Gabriel : She was with him the majority of the time at the gala event.
Emily : I'm gonna get the safety kit to heal your injury. Take off your pants in the meantime.
Gabriel : Thanks Princesa

Oh shit he's close...
He's getting too close...
We need to lay low...

Emily : You're definitely staying the night with me. I want to take care of you and make sure you're okay.
Gabriel : Tell me, what did I do to deserve such a loving and beautiful woman?
Emily : -smile-

If I only you knew who I really am.
You're going to despise me...
I don't deserve you Gabriel...
You don't deserve someone like me...

Emily : I'm going as gently as I can. I'm trying not to hurt you. I'm cleaning the bullet sound so it won't infect.
Gabriel : I feel okay don't worry.
Emily : You went to this event to figure out who The Lioness is?
Gabriel : Yes
Emily : Amor, that's dangerous. You should stop trying to investigate those people. You know how dangerous they are and I don't want you to get hurt.
Gabriel : I chose to be a police. It's my job.
Emily : But it can cost you your life..
Gabriel : I like my job. I'm passionate for it. I want to put an end to all these criminals.
Emily : You do know a cartel doesn't just end right? If you kill the leader, another goes up. You'd have to kill every single person involved for that and it's not that easy to do so.
Gabriel : Yeah I know but......hey how do you know so much about that?

I need to speak less...

Emily : It's not news. We live in Mexico Gabriel. Our country is filled with drug lords and assassins.
Gabriel : That's true..
Emily : Okay I'm all done. It's all clean and the blood has stopped coming out. Ready for bed?
Gabriel : Ready when you are.
Emily : Come on!


I woke up but didn't feel Gabriel next to me. I sat up and saw him getting dressed.

Emily : Where are you going?
Gabriel : Work
Emily : But you're hurt.
Gabriel : I feel fine amor.
Emily : No come back to bed!
Gabriel : -laugh- Em I'm serious. I have to go to work.
Emily : ....
Gabriel : I'll come back tonight I promise.
Emily : You better!
Gabriel : Give me a kiss.
Emily : You come to me.

He walked over to the bed and stretched to reach and kiss me.

Gabriel : I love you.
Emily : I love you too!

Police Department

Commander : Has Gabriel given you an update?
Juan : Yes he sent me some footage of The Lioness. She's linked to Santiago De Leon and The Sinaloa Cartel. The thing is her face isn't visible.
Commander : At least it's some progress.
Gabriel : Morning!
Commander : What happened?!
Gabriel : The Lioness shot me.
Juan : Only shot you?
Commander : You saw her face?
Gabriel : No not clearly.
Juan : Hold on- she knew you saw her and all she did was shoot your leg? She doesn't miss! Why the hell didn't she kill you?
Commander : As if she knew you.
Gabriel : ....

-phone ring-

Commander : That's for me. -walks away-
Juan : Dude.....this is all too suspicious.
Gabriel : Did you figure out her face?
Juan : I think I know who it is but I'm not completely sure.
Gabriel : Huh?
Juan : I think it's Emily. Think about it. Her body type, her hair, and her height match Emily.
Gabriel : ....
Juan : Why didn't she kill you? Emily wouldn't kill you.
Gabriel : ....

To be continued......

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