🖤Chapter 11: Nightmares Again?☁

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Killer woke up in a cold sweat. More nightmares. And this time, it was of a horror movie that he and Cayo watched on the couch just a few hours ago. 

He went downstairs to get a glass of water, trying to take his mind off of the events in that movie, but they just kept playing in his mind. The screams, the killer's face, and all of those deaths..

They scared him more than anything. Not just because of the gore, but also because... he just couldn't bring himself to think about it.

He then heard a thud coming from the kitchen, and let out a terrified squeak. It could be just his friends, but what if it was the killer?! He curled into a scared ball and cried, only to be met by Solar.

"Darling, are you okay?"

"S-Scary movie. C-c-can't sleep."


Killer looked up at Solar, tears in his eye sockets. Solar picked up Killer, and started walking to his room. 


Killer blushed a bit. He didn't know what was going on, but felt nice.

And before he knew it, he was in Solar's room. It was lavish, fit enough for a deity, even. Solar smiled at him, before setting Killer down onto the bed. 

Killer's face quickly turned two shades of red. Solar got onto the bed, too, right next to Killer, and started cuddling him.

Killer started to feel a bit drowsy. It was almost midnight, after all.

Solar wrapped his wings around Killer, before whispering to him,

"I love you, darling.."

"I-I love you too.."

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