Chapter 3|The Wolf in Me|Part 3

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Part 3

The next morning. I wake up to hear the others joking around outside. I grab my coat and make my way out of the tent, i see the others sitting around the camp fire well what is left of it. They all turn around and huge smiles spread across their faces.

"Alice, finally got up did you!" Elle says as she hands me a warm cup of coffee. "Here you go, jay made it on the fire this morning." Elle says with a smile on her face.

"Thanks" I say as I carefully sip it. "What are we doing today? I was thinking we try and figure what the hell is wrong with my wolf!" I say with a worried voice. The others chuckle and we all split off to get changed.

We meet up at the clearing behind our tents and we get ready to start training. The girls still don't join in but they stick around just in case something happens. Jay steps up and offers to fight with me. I nod and make my way to the centre of the area.

"No wolves tho!" Harry shouts from the sidelines. Jay looks over with slight relief but when he looks back at I had gone.

"RAAAA" I shout as I jump on jay from behind. He stumbles forward but stays on his feet. Jay grabs my shoulder and brings me face to face. I playfully snarls and duck when jay swipes at me, in a quick flash I grab two sticks, kick jays legs making him fall to the ground. I puts one stick to his throat and holds the other like a dagger over his chest.

"Woah Alice!" Jay shouts as a fear flickers in his eyes. I get up and go to help jay back to his feet.

"How did you do that?" Jay says looking over his shoulder at the others.

"I'm not sure, I guess It just... happened" I reply with slight confusion but it is soon masked by my new confidence.

"Alright I want a go!" Harry shouts from the sidelines. Jay swaps places with him and takes a seat next to the girls. "No sticks this time!" Harry says with a smirk on his face. I chuck the sticks on the ground and gets ready to fight. Harry charges at me and we both collide and hit the ground with a small thud. I throw him off of me and get ready to fight again. Harry picks himself off the floor and runs at me again. I turn my back as I feel myself beginning to turn. I run from Harry and towards a tree.

As Harry closes in on me I somehow jump onto the tree and somersault off of it to land behind Harry. I pin him agains the tree and raise a fist, as if I was going to punch him. I feel Harry struggling under my grip and I let go.

"Woooo! go Alice!" Shouts Tilly.

"You ok, harry?" I say as I brush him off. 'I can't believe I just did that.' I say to myself in disbelief.

Harry clear his throat. "Ye I'm good. I don't think we need to train you anymore. To be honest I think you should be training us." Harry says with a chuckle.

Jay walks over and gives a friendly slap on Harry's shoulder. "What's next?" Jay says looking between you and Harry.

"I know! Why don't you both fight me?" I say with a confident smile.

"Ye you should do it!" Shouts Elle.

The three of us get into our fighting stance. Growling slightly I charge towards the boys, who both reach out for me. They both land hits and making me stumble to the ground. I quickly get back to my feet and charge at them again. This time I duck under their swings and pop up behind Harry. Jay reaches for me but I push Harry into him making them both stumble.

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