Chapter 5|Speechless|Part 1

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Part 1

Weeks have past and we haven't made much progress in finding out what my wolf is. I try to go to the library as much as I can but the alphas men have been following my every move. Luckily the alpha himself hasn't payed me a visit since the last time, but recently I haven't really seen him much anyway. The others have been helping me learn my new power of eye manipulation, and I think it's been going well. Sadly I am unable to even go to the barn for work as I am practically band now, so all training has been held in Jays house gym.

Today I will be trying to use my new power on the others, Elle says that I am as ready as I ever will be.

I stand there in the small gym, Elle, Tilly, and Harry sit on the side lines.

Jay looks at me worried "so what are we doing again." He says trying to change the subject.

'I need to remember what I have learned. First, get into fighting stance.' I say to myself. I place one foot forward and open my shoulders so that I have a strong stable fighting stance.

'Right. Next is focus.' I say as I take a deep breath, close my eyes and settle my mind.

"Do I really have to go first" jay whispers to the others. I open my eyes and they glow golden.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Jay worries.

"Yes" I say quickly as I take another deep breath. Jay gets into his fighting stance.

" ok I'm ready." Jay says holding his shaky fists up.

'Right. Lastly I need to focus on my eyes and figure out what status I want to be.' I say to myself as I stare deeply into jays eyes. I hear him take a quick breath and with that I know I should try turning my eyes red so that my status would be alpha. I focus on my breathing, I close my eyes and when I open them they are now a deep red.

"Guys I did it, I feel the difference now!" I say exited, but by the sudden change in emotion my eyes change back to golden.

"You can do it, just focus." Elle says trying to reassure me.

'Ok, I can do this' I breath in, blink, and my eyes are a deep red again. I lock eyes with jay and I feel a sudden surge of power.

'Woah, this must be what it feel like to be an alpha.' I say as I get comfortable with the amount of power that is flowing through me. I stand up straight and walk towards jay without breaking eye contact. As I get closer I feel myself stare deep into his soul and jay, being a subordinate, looks down in a submissive way. With that our eye contact is broken I feel my eyes changing again but the alpha power is still within me. I take a step closer and with this I turn into my wolf and jay follows. Jays wolf is now cowering under my big alpha sized wolf.

"Ok that enough!" Harry shouts as he claps his hands. Suddenly I am torn away from my alpha stare and I shake my head turning my eyes back to gold. Jay, once I had stop glaring at him, shakes and turns back to human.

"That was well weird." He states as he looks over to the others. I turn back to human and give jay a quick hug.

"Haha, I knew I could do it! Sorry if I intimidated you!" I say giggling.

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