23 | Twenty-three

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THIS IS GOING TO be so much fun. I haven't gone out at night in a while. If I'm being honest, I just don't have the time with school and everything. And at this point I blame all my problems on school. Is that bad? No. I should be able to find something that I really don't like and then just hate it for a while.

I look all around me at the snow falling and the multi-coloured lights dancing in the distance.

"Question of the day?" I ask, turning to look at Eli.

"Sure," he agrees.

"If you could time travel, what time period would you go to?" I rub my mitten-clad hands together.

"Time travelling is stupid so I wouldn't do it at all."

"You're boring. Is this why you have no friends? It's okay if you're lonely I'll be your friend?" I pat him on his shoulder.

"I'd rather do anything else besides that," he counters.

"Well that's not very nice of you Eli." I point a stern finger in his direction.


"Ugh! You really need to stop doing that." I throw my hands up in the air.

"Doing what?" he replies, a small grin forming on his lips.

"Being a weirdo who doesn't know how to have a conversation." I narrow my eyes on him.

"But we're having a conversation right now," his brows pinch together.

"If you call this a conversation, no wonder you have no friends then." I roll my eyes at him.

"Whatever." He turns his head away from me, and for some reason I laugh. I just laugh because nothing is funny and yet this whole thing makes me laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" he questions, turning his gaze onto me again. His eyes shine under the light and all I can think about is him. The way he looks right now, the way he smiles and the way I feel when he's next to me.

"Honestly, I have no reason to laugh, I'm just doing it for the hell of it," I shrug and he looks at me with a confused expression on his face.

I think to myself for a moment. What is loyalty? And are you only supposed to be loyal to the most important person in your life? Is that how it works? I want to know what makes people trust each other. How can you lay your heart out in front of someone else just for them to take care of it for you and not even care?

How is it so easy to not be afraid of falling? The feeling of losing everything the minute your heart gets stomped on and you're the one left to pick up the pieces. It's so. . .I don't even know how to describe it.

All I want in life is stability—ironic, I know—but knowing that my life is on the right track is all that I can wish for at this point. I feel like if I have people who I can trust, the way I live will be better. Is that stupid? Probably, but we're all looking for something in life at some point and whether that's a person or just something, we have to have it because that's human nature.

I turn to look at Elijah as we come to a stop in front of an ice cream parlour. "Can you buy me ice cream?"

"Why?" He furrows his eyebrows at me.

"Because," I grin.

"Not an answer but okay."

"Okay, you're gonna get me ice cream or okay that's the sentence?" I ask, clasping my fingers in front of me.

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