Taylor's POV
I blink my eyes repeatedly as the harsh sun light shines through them. I stand and stretch my arms and legs, grunting tiredly.
My phone goes off and I grab it off the charger, seeing a text from Victor.
Victor P: Good morning beautiful.
He's been texting me every morning like this for a few days now, and this is exactly what I would wake up to.
Except this morning, I was early. He'd normally text me before I woke up.
Still hesitant about going to this dinner I respond, twist suddenly forming in my stomach.
Taylor: Good morning Victor.
Victor P: For our dinner, does tonight work for you?
Taylor: Yeah sure, what time?
Victor P: Around...7? I'll come pick you up.
Taylor: Ok, see you then.
I look at the time,
2:39 p.m.
My heart stops as I recall the conversation me and Sophia had yesterday, and I throw my phone on my bed, practically running to her room.
I knock, waiting for a response, but when I don't get one, I rest my head on the door, basically desperate to talk to my best friend.
"Soph, I'm sorry. Please forgive me," I sigh, closing my eyes shut in desperation. When I still don't hear a response, my eyebrows crease in confusion. "Sophia?"
I open the door a little, peeking my head inside.
Everything is gone, as if she was never here. No trace left behind, I think to myself as I step more inside the room, my eyebrows still ceased.
A yellow, almost white paper catches my eye when I step completely into the room. I walk over to it and grab it, reading the written words.
Dear Taylor,
I'm sorry I have to go, but you haven't been being very truthful to me. I don't know why you won't tell me what you've been going out and doing for the last few months but I just want you to know that I stayed up for most of those nights worried about you. I didn't know if you had been kidnapped by anyone or if something worse had happened.
You never told me where you were going or who you were with, only short, vague text messages. I'd just wake up one morning and you'd be gone, like you were never home to begin with. I'm sorry again that it has to be like this. I never wanted to leave you in New York since you found out the news about Ryan, but I can't take the lies and the sneaking around anymore, and I need you to know that.
I know I said not to but, call or text me whenever you want to talk or anytime you need me.
I love you Taylor. Please don't forget that.
- Sophia
By the time I finish reading, tears are sliding down my cheeks and I'm sobbing in regret.

The Arrangement
Mystery / Thriller𝟏𝟖+ "Do you have any idea," he started as he licked his lips, his tongue piercing catching my eye, "how much I've had to refrain myself from fucking you over the last few months?" * Three very simple rules was all it took for everything to fail, b...