Chapter Forty-Two

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Taylor's POV


"Happy birthday Taylor!" Everyone shouts loudly.

I smile, my cheeks nearly falling off my face.

"How does it feel to be 26 sweetheart?" My dad smiles down at me, hugging me and kissing my forehead.

I never thought we'd get to this point, but I've forgiven him.

After a while I took Talia up on her advice, deciding to give my dad a chance to explain everything and apologize.

It took almost everything in me not to completely close that hurtful chapter of my life. But with the help of my wonderful husband Nicolas, I gave him another chance.

Although it took a lot of convincing on both their parts, I'm happy we got to this point.

Talia and I even got to build a relationship together and she's an amazing sister. Me, her and Soph all get along together great.

Soph and Gio ended up falling in love with each other and are currently dating.

Wayne and I kept in touch and him and his boyfriend got married last year.

Ryan met a co-worker named Kelsie and they've been talking for a while now. I guess everyone finally got their happy ending.

"Amazing dad," I smile back.

"Hey babe," Nicolas comes out of nowhere, kissing my cheek.

"Hi," I blush.

"I'll give you two time to talk," dad says, leaving the kitchen.

"I see I still have an effect on you," he winks at me, smirking in satisfaction.

"Whatever," I roll my eyes.

"Do I need to remind you what'll happen when you choose to roll your eyes at me Thomas?" He raises his eyebrow in questioning.

"Maybe you do—"

"Hi guys," Sophie runs into the kitchen with Gio trailing behind her, like a lost puppy.

"Hey Soph," I clear my throat. Even though she's my best friend, I wish she didn't walk in just now.

I wanted to see just how far Nicolas would take it if I gave him the chance. Lately I've been feeling down and throwing up a lot of my intake.

Which isn't normal for me. At all.

But I feel normal for the first time in forever today, and I've missed him.

"What are you two talking about?" Gio wiggles his eyebrows at us, wrapping both his arms around Soph.

"Food," Nicolas clears his throat, hiding his pink tinted cheeks in the refrigerator.

Soph and Gio laugh and give each other a knowing look.

"Fuck you," I laugh, grabbing a spring roll off the tray on the counter and throwing it at them.

Soph catches it and takes a bite, giving it to Gio to which he takes a bite as well.

"It's a minute til 5! Present time!" Nathan shouts, walking into the kitchen.

Nicolas eventually forgave his dad a couple years ago but it took an awful amount of time to get here.

And I'm really proud of him.

After a while everyone gathers around on the couch of the living room, waiting for me to open everyone's gift.

"I want to go first," Talia exclaims happily, giving me a big box. I chuckle and shake my head, ripping open the wrapping paper.

The first thing I see is a beautiful mask. I gasp and slowly grab the mask out of the box, turning it over.

I notice small engraved words written on the backside. I run my fingers over the words, a small smile grazing my lips.

To my one and only sister, Taylor.

This mask represents the first night we met about 4 and a half years ago, at that masquerade ball. The night I found out you were my older sister. The best night of my entire life.

I love you sis,


I wipe the corners of my eyes and hug my little sister, trying not to cry in her tight embrace.

"Ok, next person," I smile as everyone chuckles.

After everyone gives me their gifts there's still one person left; Sophie.

"Here you go Tay," Soph grabs my hand, stopping me from opening the box. "I got this gift because of my best friend intuition, which is never wrong by the way. If that's even a thing," she laughs.

"Ok," I say slowly, eyeing her suspiciously.

After opening the small box, a small boyish onesie lays in the box. My forehead creases and I pick up the onesies.

"Seriously Soph. I told you already. I'm not pregnant," I laugh.

"You are Tay! I've been having way too many dreams about you being pregnant! It's a sign. And it's a boy," She says.

"Fine. Let's get a pregnancy test so I can prove you wrong. While everyone's here. Prepare to be embarrassed," everyone laughs as I stand up, heading to the bathroom with Soph.

We patiently wait 5 minutes in the bathroom, sitting in a comfortable silence. Once the timer goes off on my phone I hurriedly flip the test over, ready to prove Soph wrong.

"See! I told you I wasn't—"

I'm cut off as I stare back at two lines on the pregnancy test.

"What? I-It can't be..." I trail off, tears welling up in my eyes. "We've been careful."

"Not careful enough obviously."

I glare at her and stand up, making my way out the bathroom and into the living room.

"Well," Nicolas starts. "What did it say?"

Everyone's ears peek up at that question, awaiting my answer.

I gulp, looking down at the pregnancy test in my shaky hands.

What if Nicolas and I weren't ready?

I mean, we just got married two months ago.

"Come on babe, you're scaring me," I take a deep breath, closing my eyes and blurting out the answer.

"I'm pregnant."



I'm so single smh

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Take care my loves.

aaliyah rose <3

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