Chapter 12

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Kyo's POV

I am seriously freaked out right now. I don't know what to do. Y/N's been missing for two and a half days. Her mom is freaking out. It was on the news. They can't find her anywhere. They checked the mall she was at, and they concluded that she hadn't been there. I am scared for her.

I still can't understand why she broke up with me. Tohru has been cold to me lately for the same reason. It's like I did something wrong, and I don't know what. But that doesn't matter anymore. I need to find out what's going on.

It was Saturday, and the sun shone brightly. I left the house early, before Shigure got up. Momiji and Haru were supposed to come here by noon, and I can't stand that little brat. I left a note explaining where I was on my bedroom door. I'm trying my best to locate Y/N.

She said she was going to the mall after school. So she would be walking past Elm and turning on Second Street. I followed her footsteps, walking briskly. There were no signs. No steps to take. Many of my classmates thought she committed suicide. I know she wouldn't do that. I could tell she was too strong to end her life that way. She hardly ever showed her feelings. She seemed to keep them bottled up inside her, unlike most girls.

That's why I liked her. She wasn't as emotional and dramatic as most, she seemed to despise that stuff. She was pretty smart too, the smartest in the class. Plus, she always could see right through everyone. She could tell what they were thinking just by how they acted. This pushed a flashback into my mind.

"Hey, why are you so down?" Y/N appeared, bringing soft drinks. I was sitting in a tree in the park.

"How did you find me? I'm hardly visible like this, through these thick leaves." I said. She looked up at me and winked.

"I had a gut feeling you would be here." She held the drinks in one hand and began scaling the tree. She had gotten better at climbing trees like this. She seemed to do it so gracefully, if that was even possible holding two sodas. She pulled up to the branch I was on and handed me the drink. It was Dr. Pepper. My favorite.

How can she read my mind like this? It was creepy. Not only did she know I was here, but she also knew I wasn't in a good mood.

"So what's gotcha down?" She asked again sipping her soda.

"How can you tell I'm not in a good mood?"

"Your eyebrows." She pointed to my face.


"When you're mad, your eyebrow always does the thing." She made an angry expression with her face, laughing.

"Well, I'm mad that Yuki got a better math test score than me. He thinks he so perfect, he has to do better at me at everything! And then, he rubs my face in it, too. It makes me sick."

"Just because one person does better than you at something, doesn't mean you're not good at the same thing. You can't keep comparing yourself with others, or you'll never be happy." She said. "I bet you could beat him at something, you just haven't figured it out yet.

"Haha, I doubt it." I said.

"Pfft, you have the coolest hair! I've never seen more carrot-like hair."

"Why does everything always have to go back to my hair?" I scowled. She reached out and playfully tugged a piece. "Hey!"

How can she so easily make me smile? She's not even trying!

I couldn't let her disappear like this. I peeked in every alleyway. Nothing there except trash. I had no lead. It's like trying to build a skyscraper without a blueprint. The nagging feeling of panic in my gut wouldn't let go. There was another feeling though. A gut feeling. Past that alley. Go through that messed up fence. So what if you're not supposed to be here, she could be here. This feeling led me to a broken down warehouse. It was pretty big. Windows had been smashed and pieces of it were slowly collapsing.

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