The Meeting of Champions

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Inspired by Champions Meeting by sugarblossom (Ao3)

"Ash! Hey Ash!" Goh yelled to his research partner.

Blinking at his friend's excitement, Ash turned to face his only to get a faceful of paper instead.

"What's this?" the young kantonian asked.

"Oh nothing... besides a letter from Professor Kukui asking you and me, that is if you want me to go, to Alola for something! He doesn't specify what though..."

"REALLY! Why didn't you say so, Goh?! ('I just did' Goh muttered under his breath at this, only to be ignored by his overly excited friend) Come on, come on! We've got to go!" Ash yelled over his shoulder as he ran off to pack.

Goh laughed as he chased after his partner.


Aboard the plane, Ash asked Goh what he thought this was all about. Goh replied that he had no idea. After a moment of silence, Ash asked his friend if he remembered the last time they went somewhere with a professor who had decided to act mysterious. That was their 'introduction' to the other professors. Well, it was, until Ash admitted that he already knew all of them. Caught in their memory of the event the remaining part of the ride was relatively quiet.


Once in Alola, they were greeted by the local professor at the airport. After greeting him with the usual 'Alola!' they headed to his car.

Upon taking their seats inside the car Ash, being the ever so impatient one, couldn't withhold his curiosity any longer.

Looking at the driver, he asked, "Professor, where are we going?"

Smirking mysteriously, the man being question responded with the ever so creative, "You'll see".

With that, the rest of the ride was generally quiet.


The car stopped in front of a tall-looking building. Glancing at each other, then at Kukui's mischievous smile, both Ash and Goh were somewhat scared to know what they had just gotten themselves into. When they reached the entrance they saw a stern-looking man (huh, both Ash and Pikachu thought simultaneously, this guy could be Luteniant Surge's twin).

Said man looked at them and said in a stoic voice "Names and invitation please."

"Professor Kukui, Goh and", Kukui smirked, "Ash Ketchum."

The guard's eyes went wide and he looked like he was internally fanboying. The man looked down at the papers that the professor had handed him and saw the confirmation that it was indeed him.

"Top floor, sirs. The elevator is on your right." the man directed, as he opened the door.

They all nodded in thanks before entering.


To say the elevator ride was boring and torturous would be a huge understatement. Because honestly, WHO CHOSE THE MUSIC TO THIS THING?! And interrogating the professor, actually scratch that! Attempting to interrogate the professor was getting them nowhere. All he would do in response to their questions was nod and/or smirk. Oh well, what else would you expect from the Masked Royal? His identity was the best-kept secret in Alola for quite some time.

Finally, they reached the end of the hell ride and made their way out of the elevator. The moment they stepped out of it, their ears were met with a bunch of bickering.

"Oh please! That was only THAT battle. I will defeat you next time!"

"Haha, dream on!"

"Yo capes, be quiet!"

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