Chapter two|| Meeting the lost boys

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Michael walked outside to y/n. She looked at him and saw the look on his face. He didn't look happy. "N/n come inside for some food. My... friends want to meet you after hearing your voice" Michael said with hesitance.

"Are you sure bro? I don't want to be in your way" Y/n asked standing up. Mike nodded and smiled at his little sister "just be careful. Knowing how clumsy you are" Mike smirked.

Y/n scoffed and pushed Michael "mean" she mumbled. They both walked inside the cave. Y/n walked beside Mike and held onto his jacket's sleeve.


"Woah," y/n said after jumping down the slope. Inside was wicked-looking. "This place is wicked" she mumbled looking around not seeing the four punks.

"Hello. Welcome to our home" a voice said. It caused y/n to jump. She looked at the source to see a blond mullet sitting on a wheelchair.

A blush appeared on her face. "Oh hello. I love your home" y/n said to the blonde punk. The blonde got up from the wheelchair. "I'm David. You are my dear?" David asked with a smirk.

"My name is y/n. I'm Michael's sister. Nice to meet you" she told him. Y/n grabbed his hand to shake but David gave the back of her hand a kiss.

She shyly glanced into David's eyes. He smirked. Y/n and David started walking around the hotel looking cave. He started explaining the history of the place.

"This was the hottest resort in Santa Carla about 85 years ago. Too bad they built it on the fault in 1906 when the big one hit San Francisco. The ground opened up this place took a header right into the crack" David said.

Y/n jumped when David clapped his gloved hands. The others laughed and a blush on y/n's face appeared.

Michael glared at the lost boys. Y/n took that chance to take a good look at the four males. David has blonde mullet hair with some facial hair on his face, a silver and black earring in one of his ears, wears a black large trench coat over another black jacket, black gloves over his hands, black jeans, black boots.

A curly blonde was playing with pigeons and feeding them. He has a colorful patched and well-designed  jacket, a black fingerless gloves, a midiff white crop top, blue jeans with a leather cow-boy styled cover, old looking boots.

The Native American was sitting on the brown torn up couch. He was the only one who wasn't blond. He had black, long hair with some facial hair on his face. The black haired native american was wearing black jacket with a jagur on the sleeve and was shirtless, some necklaces around his neck, black pants, black combat boots, and a fang earring in his ear.

Twisted sister was sitting on the edge of the broken fountain was staring at y/n. He looks like a true rocker. He has long, crazy, blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He was wearing a black coat with the sleeves rolled up, wears a fishnet shirt, tight white pants that looked dirty, a skull earring, black warmers on his shins, brown boots and a few braclets on his wrist.

"So now it's ours" David grinned at her placing an arm around y/n's shoulder. "So check it out babe" twisted sister said to her smoking a joint.

"Y/n you hungry? We have Chinese" the curly blonde said, grinning. That's when her stomach growled. Everyone laughed "well that answers that question" the crazy blonde laughed.

"Yes I would love some food," she said. Y/n looked at Michael with a raised eyebrow and glanced at the other dudes.

"Oh! Y/n this is Marko, Paul, and Dwayne" Mike said pointing to them. Y/n then noticed a woman who was hiding away.

"This is Star and Laddie" Michael said looking at the kid and gypsy woman. "Hello, Star. I heard good things about you" y/n giggled.

Mike bumped his shoulder into her "shut up" he hissed. She giggled. Y/n mouthed to Star "he has a crush on you".

Star laughed with a blush on her face. She walked away from the shadow and got closer to the girl. 

Y/n sits next to Michael with Star standing right next to her. Marko gave her some noodles and she started eating. 

Y/n started talking with Paul about music. They both love rock music and have the same taste in music. 

David whispered into Marko's ear after y/n finished her some Chinese food. "Bring the bottle" Y/n faintly heard. Y/n ignored it and continued to listen to Paul's story about how he stole David Bowie's drumsticks.

It seemed a little dramatic. Y/n giggled. The lost boys froze hearing that amazing sound Paul make a joke! I want to hear that again Marko said in the mind link in awe.

Paul did a funny joke and it made y/n laugh again. The four vampires looked at y/n with a smile on their faces. That sound was the most amazing sound they ever heard before.

Marko gave the wine bottle to David and the blonde mullet uncap the bottle. Michael was instantly tensed. He knew drinking out of that bottle changed him...

He hasn't been the same ever since drinking out of that bottle. Michael had no idea what was going on and didn't want it to happen to y/n.

David raised the bottle up at y/n "cheers to our new friend" he smirked. Y/n blushed and grinned at him appreciating the gesture.

David took a drink from the bottle. It was too quiet and making y/n uncomfortable so Paul turned on the music for her.

Marko and him started talking with her to ease the discomfort. For some reason, Paul wants nothing but to make this girl comfortable, loved, and cared for.

It was unusual for him. It helped y/n a lot. David took a drink from the bottle and it seemed like it tasted very good. He shook with pleasure.

David opened his eyes looking at y/n and he offered the bottle to y/n. She was unsure. Y/n looked at Paul and he gave her an encouraging nod. 

Y/n shyly smiled at him and got up "what is it?" she asked. "I-I'm not good with alcohol. I'm a lightweight" she chuckled.

The boys laughed "it's some sweet juice. It has a small amount of alcohol. You can bearly taste it princess" Dwayne's rough voice said.

It gave y/n confidence and she grabbed the bottle from David. Michael rushed behind her "y/n.. don't." he begged.

Y/n looked at him "Mikey it's just some juice. It can't be bad" she told her brother. Panic and anxiety hit Michael. The night he tried to attack Sam, his little brother told him that he was a vampire. His reflection in the mirror was transparent.

Mike knows something was up. He doesn't want it to happen to his sister. "Please don't drink it" Mike begged. "Mike it's fine. It'll be fine" y/n told him. David looked at Michael clearly not happy.

David started using mind control on Michael. He forced him to sit down. Michael's mind was in a daze and David caused him to have a foggy mind.

Marko, Dwayne and Paul were chanting y/n's name "y/n! y/n!". It caused y/n to laugh and shake her head at them. "Come on babe! Be one of us" Paul exclaimed.

Y/n brought the bottle close to her. Star panicked "y/n don't.. Its blood" she whispered to her. Y/n made a face "what?" she said.

"Star!" David growled at the girl. Star jumped and looked scared. "Ignore her y/n. She's teasing you" David told y/n.

"Blood. That's funny" she laughed. Y/n put her lips on the rim of the bottle and tilt the liquid into her mouth. It was so sweet and it was delicious.

It made her body vibrate with pleasure. It didn't taste like alcohol. The boys cheered and chanted y/n's name. Y/n pulled the bottle away "woah that's so good" she said.

It made y/n's mind was hazy like she just took some drugs. Her whole body was tingling. David howled and clapped his hands. "Y/n, y/n" the boys chanted.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2022 ⏰

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