Blue flower Volume 0: Night of the Uchiha clan's massacre

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Night time, 11:30 PM

The view was then switched when in the mountains is more of a compound not far from the country side of Japan. The compound actually belongs from the Uchiha clan. A clan that is so powerful next to the Gojo clan, consisting of semi grade 1 sorcerers and grade 1 sorcerers from the Uchiha clan. From there, the Gojo clan, Uchiha clan, Kamo clan, Ackerman clan and the Zenin clan were actually assigned if there are some powerful curse spirits and users will be attacking any other city of Japan.

That night was more of a dreadful dream for the Uchiha. Yasuko Uchiha. He witnessed the Uchiha compound being bloody stained, blood were printed on the walls, dead bodies of the Uchiha clan members were scattered or gathered around. He didn't found his mom or dad yet. He still walked around and saw some more dead bodies. There's no clue that he was like witnessing a blood bath. Suddenly he heard some fighting but ignored it when he then rushed to his house. After that he went inside the house and when he got there. He then saw was like in a horror movie. His mom and dad were on the floor, dead, blood was everywhere.

Yasuko: Otosan.... Okasan.....

The boy started to cry hysterically. As if this was more of a dream for him, but it wasn't, his mom and dad were really dead, after sitting there, crying. He quickly went to the armory where the curse tools are, he then grabbed a couple of kunais and shurikens, after that, he went outside to where the fighting sounds were. When he gets to a top of a small house, he saw his little brother Sasuke Uchiha. And his elder brother, Itachi Uchiha. Sasuke was actually glaring at Itachi

Itachi: And one day, when you have the same eyes as I, come before me!

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Itachi: And one day, when you have the same eyes as I, come before me!

Itachi then dissapeared from their sight as Sasuke started to pursue him again.

Itachi then dissapeared from their sight as Sasuke started to pursue him again

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Yasuko: Hey! Sasuke, wait up!

He then started to chase the both of them, from roof to roof, when suddenly, he saw Sasuke actually glaring at their elder brother with hate, Itachi then grabbed the hidden leaf village's bandana, looking back t Sasuke, he then started to shed tears, Yasuko teared up at the sight of what was happening to the both of them, Itachi then dissapeared again from their sight, Sasuke then felt someone hugging him and he looked up, seeing Yasuko was the one hugging him, Sasuke then started to cry on his shoulder.

Blue flower: Kasumi Miwa x Male Uchiha OC; AOT X JJK X Naruto ShippudenWhere stories live. Discover now