dean .

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Harry's Point Of View.

As I stormed out of the Masters bedroom, I thought It'd be a great time to find a place to just cool my anger down and everything that's happened.

Walking past The Boys quickly and bumping into their shoulders, I stormed to my bedroom. Only to find Peyton sitting on my bed and standing up once I've entered the room.

"H-Harry" She spoke out, walking over to me and checking for any marks that the Master could've placed. Once I was clear, she sighed deeply and wrapped her arms around me.

"I thought he hurt you." She whispered softly, my arms bringing her closer.

"He didn't. I-I'm one of his children, it's okay. It's like a coupon for death." I chuckled.

She smiled, her lips nearly touching my neck, finding it easier to tell.

After what felt like forever, she parted the hug.

"I'm glad you're okay." She smiled wide as I nodded.

"Me too." Honestly, I just wanted to be left alone. You know when you're with your family in a reunion and after about 5-10 minutes you want to leave? Yeah, that's the situation I'm in. I'd only stay for the food, then leave.

"Are you alright?" She asked, her eyebrows furrowing.

"Yeah, sleepy is all. Shall we talk later on?"

She nodded and stepped out of my room, shutting the door behind her. As the room continued to spread the silence, I walked over to my bed and sat in the same spot she recently sat on when she was waiting for me. Her scent laid on my sheets. Laying on my back, I fluttered my eyes close as her smell ran up to my nose and out.

Deep breathes Harry.. Deep.. breathes..

-- -- -- -- --

Before I even noticed, I was sound asleep on my bed. Considering my shades were down, I had no possible way of knowing if it was morning or night. As I sat up on my bed, I stretched out anything that needed a stretch and went to my window to flip the shades up. Once I did so, it seemed to be morning. A new morning.


Once I got dressed into a different outfit, I walked out the door only to see Peyton cleaning the table with a wet rag in one hand and dirty dishes being held in the other.

"Good Morning, Peyton." I said aloud, stepping forward, my hands intertwined behind my back.

She continued cleaning and replied, "good morning Harry. How'd you sleep? You slept the whole afternoon."

"Oh.. Right.. well I slept fine. I just assumed Dean wouldn't want me out of my room."

She stopped and turned her body to face me. "Oh don't think that everytime he gets mad he doesnt want to see you, Harry. I talked to him about it. Everythings okay."

My eyes slightly widened. "What did he say?"

She smiled and softly shrugged. "You're off the hook."

'Off The Hook'?
Does this mean I could go back and talk to Catherine?

"Did you tell him about Catherine and I?"

She lightly frowned, turning her attention back to cleaning the table. "I only spoke to him about not being too harsh with you. Catherine had no intention."

I nodded, asking her more questions about Catherine might get Peyton into an angry fit. I wouldn't want that.

"Thank you.. by the way."

She nodded and walked in the kitchen.


I sighed softly as footsteps creeped up behind me. Turning my body around, I found nothing but My Master standing before me.

"Hello Harry."

"Good morning, Dean."

"You slept the whole afternoon, why is that?" He spoke out, hands behind his back as he circled around me as if to find something different.

"I was tired Sir. I didn't wanna bother you or the boys." I replied, standing tall.

He nodded and let out a soft hum vibrate in his lips. "I see.. now why would you be bothering me? You are my son."

"We fought, Sir. And you sent me to my room."

Just before Dean was opening his mouth for a reply, Peyton came out of the kitchen with six plates full of eggs, bacon, pancakes and orange juice, on a tray.

"Dean? What're you doing..?" She asked, slowly going around the table to set the plates down where each of the Boys would sit.

He looked over at her and faked a smile, taking a step back. "Nothing, my love. Just telling my fine son what the plan for today was. Isn't that right?" I nodded but kept my gaze forward, not at him, but behind him.

She furrowed her eyebrows, setting the last plate on the table above the mat. "I thought we had an agreement."

Dean softly chuckled, his eyes following down to his shoes. "We did, dear. I wouldn't be lying to you. I promised that."

And with a nod, Peyton stepped back inside the kitchen.

Turning his attention back to me, his voice turns stern.

"I dont want you alone in a room with Peyton. And as I said last night, I'm forbidding you to see Catherine."

Sighing softly, the room lights up with the laughs and sounds from the boys upstairs.

Faking a smile, Dean turned around and took a step forward to the boys and tells them the plan for the day.

Walking over to the kitchen table, I set myself down in my chair, waiting for the others to side down to start to eat .
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Hi lovlies !! ((:
Im not sure this is the best cliffhanger I have ever written but ya know, it is what it is (;

Sorry for having you guys wait forever but I hope this is a good enough update for you all

I hope this isnt a bother at all, but could you guys please oh please read We Wont Stop Until We Surrender ? That would be so so amazing !! I hope you guys enjoy it as much as i am


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