Stars At Night

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George leaned against the counter with a sigh. Once school started, things tended to slow down a lot, and dealing with owl orders was far easier than trying to deal with customers in person. He glanced up when the door opened to admit Katie. He felt his face brighten considerably with a smile. 'Katie! What are you doing here? Can I interest you in a Daydream Charm?'

Katie rested her elbows on the counter. 'Got plans for today?'

George gestured expansively around the shop. 'This.'

Katie glanced around the shop at the few customers milling about the shelves. 'Looks exciting,' she commented dryly. 'Where's Ron?'

'Went up to Hogwarts with Hermione and Harry to see Gin. Hogsmeade weekend.'

'Why didn't you go?' Katie asked.

George's hand rose and fell in an abbreviated arc. 'Nah. First Quidditch game is coming up soon. I thought I'd go then.'

'Care to join me for lunch? There's a new place in Falmouth I'm reviewing. I could use another stomach, besides my own.'

George traced a blotch of ink on the counter. 'What about what's-his-name?'

'Martin doesn't like to try new things.'

'What is this place?'

Katie sighed and crossed her arms over the counter. 'It's Asian, mostly.'

George shrugged the bright magenta robes from his shoulders. 'I could eat some noodles,' he said. 'Oi! David, Sasha! I'm out!'

David poked his head through the curtain. 'Okay, George. You coming back later?'

George glanced at Katie. 'No.' He turned to David. 'In fact, why don't you and Sasha skive off for the rest of the day? Take some down time before it picks up again for the Christmas holidays?' He saw Katie giving him a thoughtful look. 'What?'

'How do you feel about doing dinner instead of lunch?'


Katie tapped the counter with an oval-shaped fingernail. 'I promised my mum I'd come by today, and it would be much easier if I did it in the afternoon.'

'Well, if you give me the name of this place, I'll meet you at say, six?'

Katie gave George another one of those thoughtful looks. 'Why don't you come with me?'

George glanced down at his crumpled shirt and worn jeans. 'I'm not really dressed to meet family...'

Katie waved him off. 'You're fine. My parents are... unconventional.'

George shook his head. 'At least let me pop home and change my shirt. I think this one has a stain on it from when I tried to make Fever Fudge from memory before we reopened...' He flipped up the hem and examined a large purple splotch near a buttonhole.

Katie nodded. 'Meet you in front of my place in thirty minutes?'

'Okay.' George waited until Katie left the shop and had dashed down the street to her building. He Apparated to the Burrow and ran full-tilt toward the back door of the house. 'Mum!' he yelled. 'Mum!'

'What's the matter?' Molly stopped George's headlong rush into the kitchen by grabbing a sleeve.

'Clean shirt? Ironed?'

'In the cupboard...'

George kissed Molly noisily on the cheek. 'Thanks, Mum!' He started to run up the stairs but stopped and barreled back to Molly, nearly lifting her off the ground by the sheer force of his embrace.

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