We Don't Talk about Dazai

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The Mafia had grown in its size since the day Dazai left the organization--many had attempted to figure out what had happened to force the man away from the home he had always known. The place that saved him. Mori refused to answer any queries regarding Dazai Osamu and his infamous escape from hell. Many subordinates had come and died since the night he left Mori in flames--many having been wanted not to mention the name that plagued the walls. The faded name remained at the top of the rankings even with his long-term departure.

A new recruit stood within the entrance of Port Mafia headquarters, standing in the middle of Tachihara and Gin whilst they showed them around the training room. Passing by the kill-count wall. "Who's name is that at the top?" They asked, pointing upwards at the plaque near the room.

Gin pulled them back, glaring heavily into their eyes, mirth dancing within their own as they signed: 'We don't talk about Dazai.' Tachihara nodded his head, grabbing the arm of the new recruit and pulling them closer to his body; startling the young teen next to him.

"We don't talk about Dazai."

"But!" Gin's voice broke through--pulling down his mask to properly portray the anger that rose to a point within his chest at the mention of the traitor. "It was my wedding day,"

"It was our wedding day." Tachihara tiredly reminds the ranting man standing in front of them, blocking the plaque's adorning the wall.

"We were getting ready and there wasn't a cloud in the sky." Gin grabbed onto the recruits other arm--leading them away from the cause of their newfound grief.

"No clouds allowed in the sky!" Their recruit's eyes widened, finding the allusion of a preemptive perfect day rare. Tachihara nodded, a sweet, lovesick grin crossing his features as he stared back at Gin--watching them rant away.

"Dazai walked in, with a mischievous grin-"

Tachihara released the recruit's arm--moving in front of them and yelling out: "Thunder!"

Gin glared at him, crossing their arms over his chest as they glared. "Are you telling this story or am I?" Tachihara winced, moving back to his spot whilst they walked down the hallway, avoiding the gazes of passeron; mumbling a soft:

"I'm sorry, mi vida, go on."

Gin sighed deeply and turned back to the recruit, setting a hand on their shoulder; moving closer to the subordinate. "Dazai said: 'It looks like rain-'"

"Why did he tell us?"

"In doing so, he floods my brain." A single tear escaped from Gin's eyes, their hand reaching over to grasp at Tachihara-seeking comfort at the memories resurfacing from within.

"Hirotsu got the umbrella." Tachihara said, resting his head on the new recruit's shoulder--giving them a side glance.

"We got married in a hurricane!" Gin angrily yelled, halting in their outrage--pulling their mask back over their mouth.

Growing uncomfortable with Gin's complaints, Tachihara attempted to relive it with a soft: "What a joyous day! But anyway, we don't talk about Dazai."

"We don't talk about Dazai." The recruit mumbled softly, concerned about growing within them. "Is that all he's done?"

"No, you should ask Akutagawa about it." Tachihara interprets for Gin, gesturing towards the torture chambers. The new recruit left the couple standing in the hallway, Tachihara having wrapped his arms around Gin to shield them from the memories of a traitor.

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