Chapter 3

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Alex: Seriously? Not a SINGLE more seat?

The Pilot: Sorry dude. Today was a busy day.

Alex: Guess I'm just going to have to endure it.

*He sits beside you.*

YN: I'm not THAT bad yk...

Alex: Can you please be quiet?

You just turn your face to the other side.

~A while later~

Alex: Hey Yn?

You don't say anything bc you are zoned out.

Alex: Yn? *He shakes your arm*

YN: Hmm? Yes?

Alex: Are you okay?

YN: Yeah I just.... I just zoned out. I was thinking about..... stuff. What's up?

Alex: I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about before. I was just mad about something else.

*You start to tear up bc you are very sensitive.*

You nod and say, "Mm Hmm."

Alex: What happened? Are you crying?

YN: No! No. Ofc not. There's something in my eye.

Alex: Are you su-

YN: Why were you mad?

Alex: Nothing just....  Nothing. Tell me about yourself. You know, you look really familiar for some reason.

YN: You bumped into me at the mall.

Alex: Oh yeah, but still. I feel like I've seen you before that.

YN: It's probably nothing. So you want to know more about me huh?

Alex: Yes.

YN: Well, I'm a college drop-out. But I am a pretty famous  photographer.

*You talk for some time.*

YN: I gtg. I'll be right back.

Alex: Why? Where are you going?

YN: The bathroom.

Alex: Why?

YN: To open the chamber of secrets- WHAT DO YOU THINK?!

Alex: I'm sorry jeez. *laughing*

*You leave.* You left your phone in your seat. It flashed up bc you got a notification. You had Alex as your wallpaper. Alex saw it and kept staring for a while. You came back after 2 minutes.

YN: Hey again.

Alex: YN... You got a notification.

YN: *thinks: uh oh... shitt i forgot to change my wallpaper!*

Alex: You have my face as your wallpaper. Why do you have my face as your wallpaper?

YN: Uh yeah! Did I forget to mention? I watch your videos...

Alex: *blushing* Can you unlock your phone please? I want to check something.

YN: uddhhahhacbha Okay............

*You unlock the phone and give it to Alex.*

Alex: Oh. OH! Oh Yn you are obssesed with me! *He open a secret folder in your gallery named - Do not open* This is where I've seen you! You are the girl who makes edits about me and does cosplay!

YN: Well... Yeah whatever.

Alex: *Smiles*

~After a while of silence~

Alex: So where are you going?

YN: Alex... We are literally in the same flight.

Alex: No that's not what i- I mean where in UK?

YN: Buckingham Palace.

Alex: What? Why?

YN: The daughter of the queen wants a photoshoot.*You say in a British accent.*

Alex: Really?

YN: Yeah. You can come along if you want. She said that I can bring a friend.


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