A Bad Day

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((Bruno right now is 13 year old and you are 14))

Bruno POV

Once again I made Mamà mad again for not doing a good enough job with my gift. She told me I can have today off. My sisters tried to cheer me up but Mamá glared at them.

Alma "What are you two doing! You have a lot of work to do Pepa and Julieta." She sigh and looks down at me while Pepa and Julieta ran off to do there chores. Alma "Mi hijo you need to stop bothering your sisters they have a lot of important work to do for the familia!"

I look down hurt by her words "Sorry Mamá I won't do it again"

Alma "Good now go to your room I have to visit the village to check up on your sisters." She walk away heading toward the village

I look down on the ground tears rolling down my cheeks. I look at my room and I run out of Casita running toward the forest.

3rd POV

Bruno runs into the forest in tears he kept running then he stops to catch his breath he looks around and noticed he went deep into the forest. He looks around scared not knowing how to get back to Casita. Bruno "Oh no look what you did you can't do anything right now I'm lost!" Y/N watched him struggle y/n smirks trying not to laugh. y/n wanted to mess with him but noticed the boy was going to cry more y/n sigh jumping down from the tall tree. Bruno hears and looks around to see a stranger. He couldn't really see them because they where in the shadows.


"Hey kid what are you doing here get out!" I huffed crossing my arms still hidden in the shadows.

Bruno, "I'm sorry but I don't know my way out." He trys to say without stuttering. I whistle loudly a beautiful Toucan comes along and flys landing in front of Bruno.
"He will show you the way out." I smile and the Toucan nods. Bruno was surprised starring at the Toucan.

Bruno "Oh th..thank you! Wait before I go what your name I need repay you for helping me."

This boy is interesting and it has been boring around here. I know it's against the rules but this boy seems to be different from the other humans. They won't find out I smirks "Tell me your names first boy!"

Bruno looks down then looks at the person.

Bruno "M..my name is Bruno Madrigal."

I step out of the shadows smirking "Bruno nice and the names y/n" Bruno looks at you in awe you see his cheeks blush a little bit. I smile "Well Bruno sadly it's getting late let's meet again and you better not tell anyone about this or else." He nods and looks at the Toucan

Bruno "Wait how will I meet you up again?"

I look at the Toucan then at Bruno "Just step into the forest and one of my friends will help you now go before my friend flys away." He nodes and the Toucan leads him back to Casita. And Bruno follows the Toucan back to Casita getting into his room before Alma comes back from the village

((Aaaaahhhh hope you like it sorry if it all well yeah don't be afraid to comment it helps me improve love you guys! Till next time))

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