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Bruno POV

I run inside with a big smile on my face however mamá stops me. I look at her worried. "Oh Hi Mamá.."

Alma "Look at you!" She points at me I look down at my ruana it was soaking wet. "I-I can explain mamá!" Alma, "Enough! You have to stay in your room and in the house hold and have to do your readings in Casita." I try to say another word but Mamá doesn't let me. I walk into my room sadly and shut the door. I look at my rats. "Maybe mamá is right I need to focus and help the familia." I sigh staying in my room. It turns into the next day I decided not to show up meeting y/n but someone else had other plans.


I'm waited on Bruno today I was going to introduce him to my jaguar. It's been hours I get upset, "Look I'm telling you it's not another bird again! His a human boy and his name is Bruno." My Jaguar rolls his eyes and goes back to taking naps. "Whatever it's your lost not meeting him because he is the most amazing person I know!" I yelled angrily then I huffed.

I whistled and a Toucan showed up. "Find him and bring him here please. Maybe something happened to him?" The toucan nodded and flys away.

3rd POV

The toucan flys up to into the skies heading towards Casita. The toucan makes it in making sure nobody sees him. The Toucan lands next to Bruno's door. Then the toucan sees a rat showing up. The rat squeaked with glee and help open the door. Letting the toucan in and the rat shuts the door once there in. Then the toucan flys to Bruno landing next to him.

He was on the floor hugging his knees while crying. He stops crying and looks up at the toucan. He quickly gets up losing his balance and falling on his back.
Bruno, "What are you doing in here?!"

He sets up rubbing his back Bruno, "Look you need to go." The toucan doesn't listen to him. Bruno gets up getting a pencil and paper. And starts writing down why his not going to meet y/n no more. Bruno, "Give this to y/n please." The toucan nods taking it to y/n

The toucan finally makes it back and gives the letter to y/n and they look at the note in shock getting sad. Y/N, "I should have told him I don't know how to read." Y/N laughs nervous because they truly don't know how to read.

((Till next time!))

El extraño sonido Bruno madrigal x reader Where stories live. Discover now